Aurora Navy League March 18 Dinner Meeting

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The Aurora Navy League Council 247 will hold its Tuesday, March 18, dinner meeting at the private room of the Riverview Diner, IL-25 and Mill Street, Montgomery.

A reception will begin promptly at 5 p.m. followed by a meeting at 5:30 p.m. with dinner afterward. The cost is $25 all-inclusive if an entree is ordered, or $20 for the dinner salad featured that evening. Free entry without food. The meeting will conclude about 7:30 p.m..

The after dinner speakers are Kendall County Sheriff Dwight Baird and Undersheriff Bobby Richardson will speak on The Policing Challenges and Crime in Kendall County .

You do not need to be a member of the Navy League, or have a reservation, to attend the in-person meeting, the general public is welcome. All are invited to this event. Only those who order a meal are required to pay for the meal. Others may attend at no-charge.

The Aurora Council needs to expand its membership. This is our only source of funds to help the Junior Navy and AF ROTC units in area High Schools. It will pay half of the first year’s dues for new members. This is an excellent opportunity to attend an interesting event, and determine whether you would like to join permanently.

— Aurora Navy League Council 247

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