By Jason Crane
The third remote Aurora City Council meeting Tuesday included passing about a $1.4 Million boost for small businesses in Aurora with the Standing Together with Aurora Businesses Local Emergency (STABLE) Fund. The Fund is supported by Community Development Block Grant funding to provide loans to help businesses support working capital such as rent, payroll, utilities, and other expenses related to maintaining or expanding operations.
Businesses eligible to apply for a loan must be in the Aurora geographical boundary, must have 50 or fewer employees at the time of application, and must have been in business at least three months.
Businesses with five or fewer employees (including business owners) are eligible for up to $15,000, six to 50 employees are eligible for up to $25,000..
An application in English and Spanish is set to be available May 1 at:
Aurora deputies Sworn in remotely:

Both Keith Cross and David McCabe were sworn in online by Jennifer Stallings, Aurora city clerk. A more formal swearing in ceremony is set to happen when regular meetings resume.
The Aurora City Council unanimously approved the appointment of Keith Cross as Deputy Chief of Police for Aurora.
With the retirement of Keefe Jackson, a vacancy exists for the position of deputy chief of police.
Commander Keith Cross was selected with more than 26 years of experience in the law enforcement field with career progression to the position of police commander.
Cross began his career with the City of Aurora April 4, 1994 and assumed the responsibilities of the deputy chief position upon the retirement of the incumbent April 28.
The Aurora City Council unanimously approved the appointment of David McCabe as deputy fire chief for Aurora.
With the pending retirement of John Gilbert, a vacancy existed for the position of deputy fire chief.
McCabe, with more than 23 years of experience in the fire science field, was selected for the position. He has been with the city government of Aurora since March 3, 1997.
McCabe will assume the responsibilities of the deputy fire chief position upon the retirement of the incumbent. The effective date for this appointment will be May 9.
• The Aurora City Council unanimously approved a resolution to amend the existing lease between the city government of Aurora and Subway restaurant for the property at 5 E. Downer Place to allow for a 50% deferral on Subway’s rent for April and May due to COVID-19, with the deferred rent to be paid back in 12 equal monthly installments from June 1, through May 31, 2021.
• The Council approved, 10-1 with alderman-at-large Robert O’Connor opposed and one abstention by Ward 1 alderman Emmanuel Llamas, a special use permit for a cannabis dispensing facility use on the property at 35 N. Broadway.
The subject property is currently the PME School of Cake Decorating & Confectionery Art with DC Downtown Core District zoning.
The petitioner, Bloom Holdings I, LLC, is requesting approval of a special use for a cannabis dispensing facility use in the basement of 35 N. Broadway.
Some concerns by Ward 2 alderman Juany Garza included the proposed hours of service from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week and parking. Parking Lot E behind the building has 111 parking spaces.
No more than four adult use cannabis dispensary special uses, may be established within the Aurora city limits.
Blooming Holding I, LLC is submitting the application to the State as a social equity applicant in which 51% or more of the ownership has been convicted or arrested for a minor marijuana offense and 51% of more of the current employees live in the disproportionately impacted areas.
• A public hearing was opened on a proposed establishment of a special use planned development and a proposed plan description for the Glazier Corporation for the property at 1165 N. Lake Street (The Glazier Project, LLC).
The building has been vacant several years in a deteriorating condition. The new retail building will be anchored by a national coffee company with drive-thru of approximately 2,400 square feet, and additional retail of approximately 5,500 square feet. The building will be 100 percent masonry.
Some concerns included vehicles stacking on to the street.
The developer said the timeline hopefully complete the building this year.There were no individuals signed up to speak at the public hearing.
The subject property consists of a vacant Long John Silvers restaurant with B-2 General Retail District zoning.
The petitioner is requesting the establishment of a special use planned development. The proposed plan description varies the front and rear setback regulations. The plan description permits a restaurant with a drive through by right for the property. Concurrently with this proposal, the petitioner is requesting approval of a final plan for the property to construct a 7,950-square foot multi-tenant commercial building on the property.
Mayor of Aurora, Richard Irvin, said the hearing will be continued to the May 12 meeting.