Aurora Seeks Input on Illinois Prairie Path Crossing at Farnsworth Avenue

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The City of Aurora will be host to a Public Information Meeting & Open House to seek public input on the preliminary engineering study for future pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements across Farnsworth Avenue at Marshall Boulevard and the Illinois Prairie Path.

The meeting will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20 at Aurora City Hall, 44 E. Downer Place.

The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the study, present the existing conditions, solicit input on issues affecting people walking and biking across Farnsworth Avenue at these locations, and present the proposed improvement plan for community feedback.

The meeting will be conducted in an open house format. There is no formal presentation.

Exhibits will be available for public viewing at the meeting. Community members and interested stakeholders can attend the meeting at any time during the two-hour period.

Representatives from the City of Aurora and the project consultant team will be present to discuss the project and answer any questions on an individual basis.

In accordance with City policy, attendees will be required to wear face masks or coverings regardless of vaccination status.

Input can also be submitted via voicemail or email to City Traffic Engineer Bob Greene, at 630-256-3200 or

-City of Aurora government

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