Aurora Sunrise Rotary offers scholarships

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Rotary International was founded in 1905 and is the largest international service organization in the world. Guided by our motto, “Service above Self,” our Club, Aurora Sunrise Rotary, helps youth in Aurora. Without a diverse membership and an inclusive atmosphere, we would not function as effectively as we have. Therefore, our Diversity and Inclusion Committee, is proud to offer our first Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship.

Applicants must be seniors at West Aurora High School or East Aurora High School with at least a 3.0 GPA. Most colleges likely will not accept students below that GPA. The requirement is similar to Rotary Youth Exchange requirements.

Students applying are required to respond to one of the following:

• Define a diversity / inclusion problem in which you were involved, describe it, and how it was resolved.

• Explain your efforts to enhance diversity and inclusion in a meaningful way.

• A time you worked effectively with a person from a different background that required you to change your opinion and help them.

The students chosen will be awarded $1,000 each that will be submitted to the college/trade school of their choice after acceptance/enrollment is provided. There will be three scholarships awarded.

Students will be chosen and notified after May 3.

— Aurora Sunrise Rotary Club

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