Aurora Sunrise Rotary sponsors Student Youth Exchange

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By Charlie Schmalz

Aurora Sunrise Rotary participates in Student Youth Exchange for West Aurora and East Aurora High Schools. Students are given the opportunity to study abroad for one school year in participating countries through-out the world. In exchange, we have students who come to Aurora from around the world for one school year.

Upon return from abroad, students share many experiences, including the families they lived with during the year. Club members are excited to hear about all of the experience.

Two years ago, we began a scholarship program at West Aurora and East Aurora. We have given seven scholarships and are planning the same program this year.

You will hear some of the stories and enjoy meeting some of the youth.

The Club will hold its 20th Annual Aurora Sunrise Rotary Wine @ Chocolate Extravaganza at the Stonebridge Country Club in Aurora from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. March 25. Imagine Rotary is the theme and the public is invited to be included for a night of fun and Imagine Rotary. The evening is the Aurora Sunrise Rotary’s major fundraiser of the year.

We owe our success to all of you. Thank you for supporting Aurora Sunrise Rotary Club.

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