If the cold weather has you cleaning closets, drawers and more, the Batavia Lions Club reminds you to look out for old eyeglasses and hearing aids and donate them.
The local Batavia Lions Club recently held an eyeglass sorting event Saturday, Feb. 15. During the event they processed 1,066 pairs of eyeglasses as well as 22 sets of hearing aids.
The organization will ensure that they will be put to good use. Used eyeglasses and hearing aids can be recycled and refurbished so that those in need can get the gift of better sight or improved hearing.
Donations can be made at multiple locations in and around Batavia, including a bright yellow and blue drop box in front of the Batavia Chamber of Commerce building at 106 W. Wilson Street. Other locations include:
•Batavia Public Library, 10 S. Batavia Avenue
•Batavia Walmart Eyecare Center, 801 N. Randall Road
•Batavia Moose Lodge, 1535 S. Batavia Avenue
•Batavia Park District, Eastside Community Center & Shannon Hall, 14 N. Van Buren Street
•Covenant Living at The Holmstad, 700 W. Fabyan Parkway
•Foltos Tonsorial Parlor, 7 E. Wilson Street
•Dr. Rand Toney, O.D., P.C., 34 N. Island Avenue, Suite G
•Bethany Lutheran Church, 8 S. Lincoln Street
•Moss Funeral Home, 209 S. Batavia Avenue
•Kane County Electronics Recycling Center, 517 E. Fabyan Parkway
—Batavia Chamber of Commerce