Best defense against COVID-19: Strong immune system

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So, we now have vaccines for COVID-19 pandemic. My, oh my!

One wonders just how effective they will be because of the rush to get them into production. The manufacturers have made some claims, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have signed off on them. Human beings will believe what they want to believe, regardless of the facts of the case. The manufacturers aren’t too concerned, because they have been granted indemnity from lawsuits in case of injury or death. The one saving grace is that the vaccines have been given an emergency-use authorization, and therefore vaccination cannot be made mandatory. Americans can refuse immunization based upon philosophical/religious objections.

This sad state of affairs can be added to the legacy of our accidental president. If Donald J. Trump had not been such an ignoramus and had acted with quick thinking in the first month of the virus’ appearance, the pandemic would have been quelled with little adverse consequence. As it stands now, he has 333,000, and counting, deaths on his hands, not that he gives a hoot, of course.

What really is troubling is the fear-mongering which has gripped the Nation. Politicians, pharmaceutical industry spokespersons, the public health community, and the news media are sounding the alarm on a daily basis. As a consequence, Americans are divided into two camps, believers in the reality of a pandemic and the unbelievers. With each new report, we learn of tens of thousands of cases of infection, and the fear factor increases.

The pandemic is real, of course, but perhaps it is not as wide-spread as we are led to believe. It is due to the testing involved. There are two types of testing the health profession can use: Molecular and antigenic, both of which are referred to as polymerase chain reactions (PCR). Molecular testing provides quick results, but is not entirely accurate, while antigenic testing is highly accurate but requires a lengthy period of time to produce results. Given the rush by the public health community to test individuals, one could assume that they are using primarily the molecular model, resulting in a large number of false positives.

The Center for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) has admitted that PCR testing “may not necessarily indicate the presence of an infectious virus, may not prove that a SARS-COV-2 fragment is the cause of clinical symptoms, nor can the PCR test rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” This means that the coronavirus is not the killer disease in and of itself but rather is a viral trigger which exacerbates pre-existing conditions, e.g. cardiovascular disorders, respiratory disorders, obesity, cancer, and old age. It means that the vaccines being peddled are not the magic bullet we’ve all been waiting for this year.

We haven’t heard much from those who object to vaccination in general on philosophical/religious grounds. There is a good reason for it. They are being censored by those selfsame politicians, pharmaceutical industry spokespersons, public health community, and the news media who are sounding the alarm. Why? For some, there is money to be made, and for others there are reputations to be protected. Calling their work into question is a major no-no. So-called anti-vaxxers are called filthy names and dismissed as stupid, immoral, and anti-science.

One pre-condition which is routinely ignored by the public health community in their haste to peddle drugs is a weak immune system in the human body. The aforementioned diseases exist because the immune system has been ravaged by exposure to toxic materials, a nutrient-poor diet, and/or a reckless lifestyle. The first can be combatted by community opposition to their presence; the other two require individual decision-making. Eating healthy food and adopting safe habits make all the difference in the world.

Against a strong immune system, no disease can stand.

Just a thought.

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