Bill Gates’ so-called Green stance seen as charade

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Second of four parts

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Bill Gates, 65, known as the fourth richest person in the world, a United States entrepreneur, who, with a boyhood friend, Paul Allen, founded Microsoft computer company in the 1970s and divested himself from the company in 2020, continues his business acumen.

This week, in part two of the series from the article printed in GreenMedinfo, The Science of Natural Healing, and written by Robert Kennedy, Jr., we find Mr. Gates does more than run a charitable organization with his wife, Melina Gates, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The article was originally published on

Last week we saw that Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the United States.

“The only entities benefiting from Gates’ program are his international corporate partners — and particularly Monsanto, in which the Gates Foundation Trust purchased 500,000 shares worth $23 Million in 2010 (but later divested those shares after pressure from civil society groups). Gates even filmed commercials for Monsanto’s GMOs (Genetically Modified Organization), touting them as the ‘solution’ to world hunger.

“In a typical example of Gates’ strange largess, his foundation apparently made his taxpayer-subsidized ‘charitable’ grants amounting to $10 million to the Big Ag behemoth, Cargill, to build his supply chains for GMO soy in South Africa. Africans call Gates’ program ‘Neocolonialism’ or ‘Corporate Colonialism.’

“The AGRA Watch initiative of Seattle-based Community Alliance for Global Justice follows Gates’ agricultural and food policies. According to Heather Day, an AGRA Watch spokesperson, AGRA is a trojan horse for corporate kleptocracy.

‘”The Gates Foundation and AGRA claim to be ‘pro-farmer,’ ‘pro-poor’ and ‘pro-environment,’ Day told me. “But their approach is closely aligned with transnational corporations, like Monsanto, and foreign policy actors like USAID [United States Agency for International Development]. They take advantage of food and global climate crises to promote high-tech, centralized, industrial agriculture that generate profits for Gates’ corporate partners while degrading the environment and disempowering farmers. Their programs are a dark form of philanthrocapitalism based on biopiracy and corporate biopiracy.’

“Gates’ climate activism (A memo to my environmental colleagues) ‘To cloak his dystopian plans for humanity in benign intentions, Gates has expropriated the rhetoric of ‘sustainability,’ ‘biodiversity,’ ‘good stewardship’ and ‘climate.’ These causes are all grim realities that pose existential threats to our children and require urgent attention. However, Gates’ record exposes his benevolent intentions as masquerades for his agenda to maximize personal profit and control.

“It’s baffling to me how so many of my friends in the environmental movement have swallowed Gates’ chicanery. In my 40 years as a climate activist, I saw zero evidence of Gates’ funding of genuine climate advocacy; the Gates Foundation is AWOL in the climate wars.

“The leading climate groups, National Resource Defense Council, Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Waterkeepers, etc., receive virtually nothing from the world’s largest philanthropy. His investment history suggests that the climate crisis, for Gates and his cronies, is no more than an alibi for intrusive social control, ‘Great Reset’-scale surveillance, and massive science fiction geoengineering boondoggles, including his demented and terrifying vanity projects to spray the stratosphere with calcium chloride or seawater to slow warming, to deploy giant balloons to saturate our atmosphere with reflective particles to blot out the sun, or his perilous gambit of releasing millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in South Florida.

“When we place these nightmare schemes in context alongside the battery of experimental vaccines he forces on 161 Million African children annually, it’s pretty clear that Gates regards us all as his lab rats.

“Gates has heeded Henry Kissinger’s advice, ‘Control oil and you control nations; his energy holdings nowhere reflect his expressed antipathy for greenhouse gases. Gates’ personal investments in hydrocarbons include massive stakes in all the oil majors: Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and Shell. He owns the world’s largest private jet company. His outsized commitment to coal includes giant investments in the dirtiest coal-generating fleets, including the Canadian National Railway and CSX Richmond which is the largest coal transporter east of the Mississippi River. Gates is betting big on the future of carbon.”

Continued next week

One Reply to “Bill Gates’ so-called Green stance seen as charade”

  1. Thank you so much for this article and Exposure. I have often thought that Bill Gates funds in his so called “Philanthropic Foundation” only what Funds and maximizes his profits. He so needs to be exposed!

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