Blame, shame, for State governor

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April 1, 2020
Dear editor;

The petty partisan criticisms of the Donald Trump administration by political leaders who only seem interested in stoking anxiety and exacerbating division among the American people is disturbing. Governor JB Pritzker has made a name for himself as one of the Nation’s chief nitpickers.

In his first 14 months, governor Pritzker’s policy solutions have failed Illinois to prepare for a pandemic, such as Illinois’ rainy-day fund, now vitally needed for respirators and medical equipment. Illinois remains disadvantaged because of the billions of dollars in unpaid bills are dragging us down. Instead, just like a petulant child, Pritzker awaits bailouts from the federal government.

Instead, he kept his pledge to “make Illinois the most progressive state in the Nation” for killing babies through abortion. He signed the mandate to indoctrinate young children through teaching about “LGBT” history in schools. He expanded gambling and increased both gasoline taxes and the cost of doing business with a hike in the minimum wage.

Pritzker’s recreational marijuana law will only exasperate our current health predicament, as marijuana consumption has been proven to suppress the immune system. He did a great disservice to Illinois’ families, the health-care system and first responders.

Pritzker would be wise to stop grandstanding and dividing the American people, and instead focus on responsible policies that will shore up our foundation. These priorities have been neglected for far too long, and it is past time that we address them instead of focusing on petty politics.

David E. Smith
Tinley Park

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