Bridge brigade brings message

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By Jean Pierce

Approximately 40 individuals participated in a bridge brigade demonstration for voting rights in Geneva, Friday, Sept. 17. They held up signs for passing motorists to see. The rally was part of a nationwide day of action designed to make residents aware of the need to pressure the U.S. Senate to pass voting rights legislation as soon as possible.

The Bridge Brigade in Geneva on voting rights, Friday Sept. 17, includes event organizer, Jeannie Scown. Jean Pierce photo

The bridge brigade was organized by Jeannie Scown, who said that her goal was, “To excite people so that they understand what is going on. Too many people are busy and don’t have the time to keep up.”

The event was sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Central Kane County. League vice president Llona Steele observed, “I want to call attention to the fact that people need to contact our senators and urge them to vote for voting rights legislation.”

When asked why she was participating, Mary Shesgreen from Elgin said, “I care about voting rights, and I am appalled by states suppressing the vote. It makes me angry and sad and alarmed about the future of our whole electoral process.”

Barry, from Warrenville said, “I’m tired of fraudits, fraudulent recount audits.”

Cynthia de Seife from DeKalb said, “I feel like democracy is under attack. It’s a scary time. The Freedom to Vote Act would establish clear standards for federal elections and shore up our American democracy.”

Muffy Ryland was one of two participants from Florida. She observed, “I’m totally against altering voting rights laws. It’s got to stop.”

The action followed a rally earlier in the week in Washington, D.C., where civil rights leaders, members of Congress, and voting rights activists called on the U.S. Senate to keep their promise to immediately take up voting rights.

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