Bureau Gravity talent sees the world

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Bureau Gravity will be host to free admission “What Matters” a Photo and Video Contest & Gallery Show Thursday, Sept. 29 at its downtown Aurora production studio to showcase and empower the next generation of young creatives.

Bureau Gravity is proud to support local creators as a media incubator that encourages economic development by bridging the communication gap between local communities, businesses, and government officials.

Founder and CEO Jimi Allen states, “We each have a talent to see the world around us in a way that no one else can. We want to celebrate that, and this event is the perfect opportunity.”

The gallery will feature the work of 16-year-old West Aurora High School student Marshall Garcia, and contest entries from community photographers and videographers.

Garcia joined Bureau Gravity as an intern this Summer to expand his photography and video production skills, and has documented skate, lowrider, music, government and business culture.

“Getting into photography has opened a lot of doors for me, and I hope this event shows our community how important it can be to have a creative outlet,” Garcia shares.

The gallery will shine a spotlight on guest speaker Todd Spencer, who will speak about the power of artificial intelligence as a labor-saving tool in the creative industry.

Contest winners will be announced during the event, and the top applicants in each category will win a $250 grand prize. The event is free to attend and open to the public, please register via the Eventbrite webpage prior to attending.

— Bureau Gravity TalkLab

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