Candidates’ forum March 18 in Geneva recorded, on Facebook

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The League of Women Voters (LWVCKC) and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce will be partners for a candidate forum at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 18, at Geneva Public Library, 227 S. Seventh Street, Geneva. The candidates for mayor of Geneva, Kevin Burns and Tom Simonian, have been invited to participate.

The forum will be recorded and will be available for viewing on Facebook pages of the LWVCKC,, and the Chamber,, and their websites, and Due to COVID-19 restrictions, no audience will be present.

A primary goal of the League of Women Voters is to encourage educated and active participation of citizens in government. The League is a non-partisan organization that never endorses any candidates’ for office. The League forums offer an opportunity for citizens to hear candidate opinions in an unbiased and civil setting. It is our hope that the viewing audience will gain knowledge and understanding of candidate capabilities and viewpoints so that they are better informed voters at the polls.

The Geneva Chamber of Commerce was a partner with the League of Women Voters to provide open and informative communication between the business community and elected officials. The Chamber strives to keep the community educated and work successfully with all levels of government.

Any questions for the candidates can be submitted to Robyn Chione, Geneva Chamber at, or by calling 630-232-6060. Questions are subject to approval by the League of Women Voters.

For more information contact Patti Lackman, LWVCKC Voter Service Chair,, 630.336.0531, or Robyn Chione, Geneva Chamber,, 630.232.6060.

— League of Women Voters of Central Kane County

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