Candidates should be careful not make bad statements

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Isn’t life grand? Just when Flotsam and Jetsam emerged claw-in-claw on top of the world from the GOP convention, having been confirmed as presidential and vice-presidential nominees, along comes Kamala Harris to drop some acid rain on their parade. I think Kamala should be able to abandon her campaign plans, tell her potential donors to save their money, and then go lie on a beach in Tahiti until the election is over, letting DonOLD and Vance shoot themselves in multiple body parts (rhetorically) as they continue to make public statements. While JD was busy alienating himself with millions of Swifties, Sponge Bob, childless couples, Felix the Cat, Tony the Tiger, the Society for the Elimination of Pay Toilets and any other group of people who came to mind, Donny T. was sweating trying to think up excuses to get out of a debate with Harris. This is Mr. Tough Guy, the fearless draft-dodger and rough-and-tumble superhero Marshmallow Man depicted in various forms of glory on trading cards that his MAGA minions were stupid enough to buy for $100. each, now in sniveling in sissyhood, fearful of being demolished by a mixed race black woman because he’s only good at racial slurs, name-calling, and maybe use as shark bait. Meanwhile, down–ballot Republicans fear the worst in November because Trump allowed his sons, Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, to pick JD as dear old Dad’s running mate. Walmart already has reported an increase in employment applications from GOP politicians.

Have you seen the recent interview by Trump’s nephew, Fred, making its way through various media? Fred had come to the White House to be an advocate for the disabled (because of a glaring oversight, Trump wasn’t included in that group). Fred Trump has a disabled son, which is why he’s taken a special interest in getting the government to help disabled people. Concerning Fred’s son, Trump told him, “Look, why don’t you just let him die and then move down to Florida.” What a special uncle. He repeated virtually the same thing saying the all disabled should die because it costs too much to keep them alive. If I may be allowed to take a slight detour, I added the preceding especially for frequent Voice contributor Wild Bill “I Never Met a Despot I Didn’t Like” Suhayda. In a recent Suhayda article, he not only praises pseudo-dictator Trump but now he’s added current dictator, Victor Orban, to his growing list of admirable leaders he’d wish could snap him on his bare behind many times with a wet towel to put an ever-widening smile on his face. Keep this in mind when you read his stuff and take it with a dump truck full of salt.

Speaking of wet towels and not to be left out of Olympics Games headlines, the Unholy Trinity of Trump, Vance, and MTG, reared up in protest claiming woman boxer Imane Khelif, who defeated her female Italian opponent, was a transgender, hoping to convince the most ignorant Americans that they knew what the were talking about. Vance even blamed it on Kamala Harris. It didn’t take long for them to be proven wrong. There is existing proof that Imane was born a woman and had competed as a woman through all her competitions.

Whining baby, Donny, took the pacifier out of his mouth long enough to say he gave up nothing to get political prisoners released. Not so fast, dimwit Donny. In November 2019, he gave up three Taliban prisoners; December 2020, he gave up two Iranian prisoners; in July 2020, one prisoner swap; and in October2020, 250 Houthi militants for two Americans. Didn’t he claim to be good at math on that cognitive test he aced?

And, by the way, what difference does a candidate’s race, mixed or not, matter to anyone but bigots?

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