Category: Pets

Pet cats for adoption Lucky and Charm

Lucky and Charm: Bonded sisters

Lucky is a female Black and White Tuxedo and Charm is a female Domestic Medium Hair Brown and White Tiger. Each was born May 5, 2018. Lucky and Charm are bonded litter-mate sisters. Lucky is more outgoing, and Charm is dependent on her. They absolutely love each other, sleep together,...

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Blondie: Shy at first, loves to cuddle

Blondie is a female domestic short hair buff tabby who was born March 28, 2014. Blondie is a gorgeous, dainty, young lady; so sweet, but shy. It takes her time to become comfortable with new humans and new places. She will flop down for chin scratches and cuddles with her...

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Mara loves to play and sit next to her humans. Submitted photo

Mara enjoys quiet time with family

Mara is a female Dark Calico who was born in February 2017. Mara is a sweet kitty who is playful. She will need a little time to warm up to her new surroundings. However, once she is comfortable with new humans she is very loving. She would do best in...

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Samuel loves to run and play. Submitted photo

Samuel good with kittens and older cats

Samuel is a male Domestic Short Hair Orange Tiger who was born in April 2018. Samuel is a playful kitten who loves to run and play with his litter mates and foster siblings. He loves to chase a ball across the room. He does really well around other cats and...

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Bella: First shy, warms up, loves cats

Bella is a female Domestic Short Hair who was born April 15, 2018. Bella is playful and inquisitive. She was born in a high-kill shelter, but she and her mom and five siblings were saved. She can be a little shy when she first meets someone, but warms up quickly....

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Cindy Crawford has a mark above her right lip. Submitted photo

Cindy Crawford: Sweet disposition, loves attention

Cindy Crawford is a female Domesti Short Hair who was born July 4, 2015. Cindy Crawford is the sweetest girl, who was rescued from an unfortunate home involving domestic violence. Despite her early experience with humans she still has a sweet disposition. She adores attention and she loves when someone...

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Apollo is pretty much a perfect dog. Submitted photo

Apollo: Relaxed, sweet, affectionate guy

Apollo is a male Great Dane, Hound, Lab Mix who was born July 19, 2018. Apollo is a relaxed, sweet, and affectionate guy! He loves to be with his humans and likes dogs, cats, and small children. He’s playful and very cuddly. He enjoys a good game of fetch, or...

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Aurora Pooch Parade in Phillips Park

Inaugural Aurora Pooch Parade, Sunday at the Phillips Park Visitors Center

The inaugural Aurora Pooch Parade, Sunday at the Phillips Park Visitors Center in Aurora, below, includes a grand marshal, a three-year-old puppy named Leroy Jenkins (not in photo). He was adopted by Alex Voigt, city of Aurora government, deputy chief of staff. Jenkins was adopted more than a year ago...

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Meredith is looking for a new home. Submitted photo

Meredith: Playful cat, loves to chase

Meredith is a female Domestic Short Hair who was born April 15, 2018. Meredith is playful and inquisitive. She and her brother, Alex, were born in the Spring in the home of a H.E.L.P. foster parent. She loves to chase a ball and of course, her brother. Her brother already...

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Dorothy is a playful cat who loves to be scratched.

Pet of the Week: Dorothy: Well-mannered kitty, loves all

Dorothy is a female Domestic Short Hair with black and white and was born in May 2017. Dorothy likes to play with toys and will chase them around the house. She sleeps at the end of the bed and is happy to have her head and chin scratched, but she...

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North Aurora Pet Parade 2018

Trophies in North Aurora Pet Parade

The 36th Annual North Aurora Pet Parade took place Sunday, Aug. 5 as the final event of North Aurora Days (August 3-5). Weather was hot and muggy, but the 50 or so entrants had a fun time. Twenty-six trophies were awarded to the following families: • Exceptional ears was awarded...

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Adopt Jack: Playful kitten loves nighttime snuggles

Jack: Playful kitten loves nighttime snuggles

Jack is a male Domestic Short Hair with white and black and was born April 27, 2018. Jack is an outgoing, playful kitten. He can entertain himself with just about anything he might find, but prefers someone playing with him. He doesn’t like to be held or carried much, but...

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Leroy Jenkins, a 3-year-old Chihuahua adopted from Aurora Animal Care and Control, will serve as Grand Marshal of the 2018 Aurora Pooch Parade

Aurora’s first dog parade to be held Sunday, September 9 at Phillips Park

As the dog days of summer come to an end, the Aurora Animal Care and Control (AACC) is excited to announce Aurora’s first-ever dog parade scheduled for next month. The 2018 Aurora Pooch Parade will held at 1 p.m. on Sunday, September 9 at Phillips Park, 1000 Ray Moses Drive. The theme...

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Barney would make a terrific companion. Submitted photo

Barney: Perfect pup prefers pram over pavement

Barney is a male Yorkshire Terrier, Yorkie, and Chihuahua Mix who was born October 26, 2017. Barney is housebroken and loves dogs, kids, and cats. He enjoys cuddling and loves to be next to his humans. He doesn’t not enjoy walking, but loves to be pushed in a stroller, which...

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