Celebrating 75 years in song: Aurora Festival Chorus, Dec. 8

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Celebrating 75 years in song, Aurora’s Fox Valley Festival Chorus will present “From Paris to the North Pole: A Holiday Spectacular” at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8.

The music of Mozart, Handel and Irving Berlin will be featured at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 27 S. Edgelawn Drive in Aurora, with a visit from Santa Claus. After the concert, Santa will pose for photos and refreshments will be served.

Mary Beth McCarthy, director of instrumental music at Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy in Aurora, will direct for her 25th year. Eleanor Strong provides accompaniment on piano and organ. A brass quintet will feature Mark Running, principal trumpet and arranger, trombonist Allan Loek and Joy Inouye on French horn.

The program includes Harlan’s “Processional for Christmas,” Irving Berlin’s “Christmas Berlin,” Silver’s “12 Days After Christmas,” Saint-Saens’ “Ave Maria,” Hayes’ “There Be Peace on Earth” and Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus.”

The public is invited. Parking is free. Admission is $15. Tickets are available at the door or from chorus members.

For more information, email foxvalleyfc@gmail.com or visit foxvalleyfc.org.

The 65-member group features voices from the Fox Valley. Members range in age from high school students to retirees. Communities represented include Aurora, Batavia, Big Rock, Elburn, Kaneville, Naperville, North Aurora, Oswego, Plano, St. Charles, Sugar Grove, Warrenville and Yorkville.

The chorus performs two concerts annually—a holiday concert and a spring concert. The ensemble performed virtually during Covid and created musical holiday cards to bring cheer to the Fox Valley community and region.

—Al Benson

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