Chief Judge Clint Hull was recently reelected by his fellow circuit judges to serve a second term as chief judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit. He was first elected as chief judge in 2019 and will begin his second two-year term December 6.

Just three months into his first term as Chief Judge, COVID-19 coursed through the Nation. One of Judge Hull’s first duties as Chief included the difficult decision to physically shut down the courthouses to protect the safety of the public and staff alike.
Though physically closed, under Chief Judge Hull’s leadership and with the immense collaborative efforts of judges and staff, processes and procedures were quickly developed so cases could continue to be heard through remote means.
“I am gratified that my colleagues have selected me to continue to serve in this role,” Hull said.
“I look forward to continuing to work with all of them, our staff, and our partners in the judicial system as we emerge from the various shutdowns and scaled-back operations we have had to endure the past two years.
“We have a number of exciting projects we are working on that will continue to move the Sixteenth Circuit forward.
Chief Judge Hull is a graduate of St. Charles High School, the University of Illinois, and DePaul University School of Law.
—Office of the Chief Judge and Court