The Chas is not a Republican (nor a Democrat, for that matter).
He is not a worshiper of Donald J. Trump.
He is not a fan of Fox News or any right-wing radio talk show.
He is not a reader of conservative blogs.
He is not a member of the Proud Boys , the Oath Keepers, or any similar organization.
He is not a fat, low-IQ slob who wears an MAGA cap as depicted by churlish political cartoonists.
Nevertheless, he will not receive a COVID-19 vaccine (unless under duress), because he knows the difference between lies and the truth.
The lies are the products of persons who still promote the official origin of the coronavirus. First, the government of the People’s Democratic Republic of China destroyed documents, disappeared relevant researchers, and concocted a story about the pandemic originating in a wet market. Second, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which provided funds for the research, jumped on the zoonotic bandwagon. Third, the pharmaceutical industry saw an opportunity to enrich itself at taxpayer expense by manufacturing and peddling only slightly tested vaccines. Fourth, the mainstream news media, which receives large amounts of advertising revenue from Big Pharma, branded as “conspiracy theorists” anyone who rejected the official story. On the contrary, it is they who are the true conspiracy theorists.
The truth comes from scientists, notably microbiologists and virologists, with impeccable credentials. Upon examining the coronavirus, they discovered the results of furin cleavage. A furin is a protein which does not occur in nature but is created by way of genetic engineering by combining the original natural virus with some other virus. The furin then cleaves excess material from an inactive virus in order to make it active. The presence of cleavage sites cast doubts in the minds of these scientists and led them to theorize a laboratory leak as the origin of the pandemic. So far, the evidence is piling up.
The Chas follows the science, the real science, which he does in all things, and he is convinced that the official story is nothing but fear-mongering in order to coerce an unwitting populace to be injected with a combination of artificial chemicals only will relieve the symptoms of the disease.
If a vaccine works, well and good. The current vaccines do not work, and therefore The Chas is anti-vax. First, we were told that one needed a second shot because the first one wears out after a time. How assuring is that? Now, we are told that the second shot is still not enough and we need a booster shot. If the first two shots could not do the job, why should we believe that a booster is the magic bullet? What happens if the booster does not do the job? Will we need another booster and another one and another one? Where will it all end? The Chas smells a rat, and the rat is Big Pharma, which is selling us a bill of goods.
Why, dear reader, should you not fall victim to this medicine show?
Fact: The testing used to detect infection is faulty and produces a large number of false-positives. This why we hear of thousands of cases every day. You don’t hear, however, of the numbers of people released from hospitals after they show no symptoms.
Fact: The majority of COVID-19 deaths are persons with pre-conditions and/or weak immune systems. The coronavirus merely exacerbates them, but is alleged to be the actual cause of the deaths. The statistics are inflated in order to promote the fear-mongering.
Fact: The rush to create the current vaccines was ill-advised. Vaccination should be the last resort to eradicate an infectious disease, if there are other more effective, less dangerous, and less expensive methods available. Footnote: ivermectin has became the favorite joke amongst the pro-vax crowd. Sure, it is used to de-worm horses, but there have been medical studies which suggest that it works to eradicate other infectious diseases. These studies are ignored because they don’t serve the purposes of the real conspiracy theorists.
Fact: A healthy immune system is the best defense against any disease you care to name. The sad fact of the matter is that most human beings prefer junk food to real food and so end up weakened in the face of a pandemic. Real food, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain bread and cereals, and anything low in sugar, salt, and saturated fats, will improve your health tremendously. Get plenty of sunshine, because vitamin D is a natural protector against disease.
Most of this essay will be construed as misinformation in some circles. So will be free speech, freedom of choice, and informed consent. There is a reason for this frame of mind: Government pronouncements tend not to be backed up by facts. Governments lie all the time, because they have secret agendas and need distractions to carry out those agendas. We the People need not to take government pronouncements at face value until an independent review is made.
Just a thought.