Continuity in political process important

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Our political conventions to choose candidates for November 5 presidential elections are under way. The world is watching, and nearly always is interested when the United States goes through its political process. It would be more beneficial if we had three strong candidates for office rather than two, however, not all countries are free to choose their government leaders. We withstand the occasional ripple of deviation from free and fair elections, however, ordinarily the process is smooth and reflects the cherished democratic process. It has been a hallmark since the early elections in 1792 when George Washington was elected president. In those critical years of development when the political leaders were meeting in Philadelphia, pivotal leader and intellectual, Benjamin Franklin, was asked by an interested citizen what kind of government the new country had formed. Franklin, in his wisdom, was famously quoted as responding, “We have a republic, if you can keep it.”

That answer must be made in every succeeding generation and at every election sequence. It is up to us to maintain, preserve, and promote, an independent democratic republic, no matter how difficult the task, or, tempting to deviate from our duty. History is watching and so is every dictator. It is up to each one of us to be the guardian, in conjunction with our fellow citizens.

•The Voice seeks to present varying political perspectives to allow all voices to be heard, We are better off as a country and intellectually when serious voices are not stifled, rather can be heard in our democratic process.

•Such is the case in ideas which are beneficial to our communities. Good food is beneficial, which includes the Veggie Fest and the Family Fest which will be Sunday, July 28 at St. Athanosios Church, 1855 Fifth Avenue in Aurora. It is a Family Fest Fresh Market sponsored by the Just Food Initiative of the Fox Valley.

•Other items this week in The Voice include August is a busy time for the Diabetes Club of the Fox Valley with good information and a helpful way with providing beneficial thoughts on living. There are strong political opinions. We have the First Amendment at work, which is the best for all us. We must not shirk from hearing all sides in the political debate.

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