By Russ George, president, Cosmopolitan Club of Aurora
The Cosmopolitan Club of Aurora, The Club That Fights Diabetes, held its annual installation of officers and Board members (see photo, page 10), at its regularly scheduled membership meeting, Thursday, July 16, at the Oak Street Restaurant, in North Aurora.
The annual installation dinner traditionally is held in May, however the Club has not met since February, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vic Smith, Mid-States Federation governor for Cosmopolitan International, installed the Aurora Club officers and Board members. He delivered a message of inspiration and encouragement from Cosmopolitan International president, Judy Weitkemper, from Columbia, Mo., who had another commitment. Her message asked us not to let the pandemic defeat us, however, to remember that diabetics are considered a high risk, to please stay safe, while looking forward to good things to come, from our Fight to Defeat Diabetes.
Russ George thanked everyone for attending the installation dinner, and reminded all in attendance about the upcoming Race to Fight Diabetes Awareness Night, Saturday, Aug. 1, at Sycamore Speedway. He said that Sunday, Aug. 2, Aurora Club vice president Paul Smith, captain of Team Aurora Cosmopolitan Club, along with the entire membership, will raise funds to support the American Diabetes Association’s Virtual Tour de Cure, in an effort to find a cure for diabetes.
The Aurora Club raises funds for research to find a cure for diabetes, ADA Summer Camps for Diabetic Children, supporting diabetes education at hospitals, assisting diabetics in obtaining diabetic alert dogs, scholarships at Waubonsee Community College, and Communities In Schools Back to School Fair.
The Cosmopolitan Club of Aurora is in its 93rd year of endeavoring to make Aurora, and the surrounding communities, a better place to live. New members can help make a difference!