By Russ George
Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley were given an informative insight Wednesday, July 10 into the power of using animals for therapy, when dealing with children and adults with disabilities, especially those with diabetes.

Guest speaker, Barbara O’Neil, executive director and PATH Certified Instructor from HorsePower Therapeutic Riding, at Honey Bridge Ranch, Route 25, in St. Charles, spoke on how HorsePower started out 12 years ago, in Elburn, and relocated four years ago to its current location.
There are 75 students with 24 more on the waiting list. Lessons are provided Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
She and her staff members are PATH International-certified each year. They do mounted and ground lessons with the horses, as well as Critter Connections, using a variety of small animals for students to interact with, which include: rabbits, ducks, small donkeys, and chickens.
Animal therapy allows children and adults with disabilities, including diabetics, to bond together with an animal by using frequency methods. When all other animals fail to connect with a student, the Chicken will come through, and form the bond.
HorsePower students have ranged in age from 3 years old to 97. Over the years they’ve had many diabetic students, and currently she personally is working with two diabetic students, of which, one is now involved with Special Olympics.
Students coming to HorsePower have a variety of challenges: Social, emotional, cognitive, and physical, They rearrange their program to fit each individual student’s needs.
Ms O’Neil said, HorsePower currently has 17 horses on site. We keep a close eye on our horses for Cushing Disease (diabetes in horses). We watch their weight and look for any fat pockets that might develop on the horses, necks or elsewhere on their bodies. If suspected, we confirm with a blood test. Cushings causes issues with the horses bones. Horses with Cushings have their diet carefully watched, their hay is soaked in water to reduce the sugar and they are taken off being fed grain. They recently had to euthanize one of their miniature horses, named Barbie, who had Cushings, and had a bone start coming through the hoof.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley’s “Jerry Youngren Diabetic and Therapy Animal Support Fund”, made a donation to HorsePower Therapeutic Riding in the amount of $5,280. This will provide sugar-free treats for their horses, purchase materials to build a reviewing platform, and purchase small storage containers along their Sensory Trail, to store first aid and other materials needed for safety and instruction.
The members of DCFV believe this donation will help children and adults with disabilities and diabetes, now and in the future, while helping to keep the horses healthy with sugar-free treats!
Ms O’Neil will schedule a tour of HorsePower Therapeutic Riding at Honey Bridge Ranch in September, to all the Diabetes Club members and their guests.
Friday, July 12, the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley held its July “Meet and Greet” at the Breakfast Club, 360 S. Randall Road, in North Aurora, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m..
Ann McBride, media chairperson, who organizes the monthly event, was especially impressed with the generosity of the customers, the service provided by the restaurants staff members, and the quality of the food served. We’re all looking forward to having another event in the future. The Breakfast Club is donating 35% of Friday sales to our Club.
Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, want to thank everyone who stopped by for a bite to eat, and a big shoutout of thanks to the Breakfast Club for their donation.
Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley are looking forward to their second annual “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” Diabetes Awareness Event, Saturday, Aug. 3, at Northwestern Medicine Field, Kirk Road, in Geneva, when the Kane County Cougars take on the Sioux City Explorers. Gates open at 5 p.m. and first pitch will be at 6:30 p.m.; fireworks follow the game!
Why not join us for a fun filled evening? Seating in section 109, tickets $10 per person and contact Jenny McCain for tickets at: 630-204-1197.
Mark your calendar to save Friday, Nov. 1, for the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley’s first gala dinner “A Night to End Diabetes”, at the Lincoln Inn, 1345 South Batavia Avenue, in Batavia. Cocktails at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m..
The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations and fundraising is used locally for the club’s fight against diabetes. Tax deductible donations can be made on our website: or mail your tax deductible donation to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, IL 60542.
Why not consider joining our fight against diabetes? Invite a family member, friend, or business associate to attend one of our meetings or events with you! The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is offering membership in our Club through September 30 for $25., to give individuals interested in joining our fight against diabetes an opportunity to look us over, while participating in Club activities throughout the Summer months. Yearly $50 individual membership dues will begin October 1. Corporate dues are $150 per year, which includes a sponsorship listing on our website:
Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley work together, to provide diabetes awareness in the Fox Valley area, while raising funds to provide aid and education for diabetics, along with investing in research to find a cure. Uncontrolled blood sugar (glucose) can cause vision problems, heart problems, nerve damage, dental problems, kidney damage and more problems! Eat healthy, stay active, and have a yearly blood test, to stay diabetes-free!
Have questions about the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, please call, send text or send an E-mail with your name and address to president Russ George, 630-205-9065 or send Email:
Please continue to keep informed about our Club’s upcoming events, by following us in The Voice, on Facebook, and on our website: