Cubs game bus trip July 30, AARTA fundraiser

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Aurora Area Retired Teachers Association (AARTA) will host a benefit bus trip to the Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Brewers baseball game July 30 in Milwaukee.

The outing will raise funds for Aurora Lions Club free vision exams and eyeglasses for local youth said Dick Schindel, outing coordinator and Lions past president.

A coach bus will depart East Aurora High School door 15 at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 30, for Milwaukee. Water and soda will be included and a tailgate party is planned. “Bring a dish to pass and lawn chairs,” Schindel said.

Tickets are $98 per person. Deadline to register is June 13. Send checks payable to AARTA to Schindel at 784 Morningside Drive in Aurora, IL, 60505.

For more information, call Schindel at 630-921-1307.

—Al Benson

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