By John Montesano
The Fox Valley Veterans Breakfast Club has named David Moore the January Veteran of the Month.

David Moore was born January 20, 1944 in Marion, Ala. where he grew up. After graduation from Lincoln High School in 1963, he was drafted into the Army. He was trained and completed his active duty at Ft. Gordon, Ga.. In July 1965, David reenlisted for three years and was a senior fire computer control operator at the Sylvester, Ga. Nike-Hercules missile site. In June 1966, following airborne qualification at Ft. Benning, Ga., he went to Ft. Campbell, Ky. with the 101st Airborne Division as squad leader; as a Staff Sergeant. In June 1967, he was on temporary duty at West Point, N.Y. to train the Army cadets. Only top rated NCOs were selected for this duty and David considered it a great honor.
In November 1967, David was deployed to Vietnam at Phuoc Vinh as squad leader/gun chief on a 105 mm howitzer field artillery unit, which move around in country to support the Marines and the 101st Army. In June 1968, David’s enlistment was completed and he was honorably discharged. He moved to Aurora.
His time in Vietnam is still with him. It was evident when the mere mention of a beehive anti-personnel artillery shell brought on a serious emotional reaction.
In July 1968, he joined Army Reserve 863rd Engineer Battalion in Aurora where he was promoted to 1st Sergeant.
In 1974, David wanted to jump again and transferred to the 12th Special Forces unit in Arlington Heights. In 1978, he was promoted to Staff Sergeant Major. In 1980 he returned to the 863rd. In 1982, he was appointed to Command Sergeant Major; a rank he held for 20 years! In 1985, he transferred to the 416th Engineer Command in Chicago as Command Sergeant Major.
From November 1990 through April 1991, David deployed to Saudi Arabia and was Theater Engineer Command Sergeant Major, 416th Command, during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. He was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service. His award certificate states: “…he displayed leadership, true professionalism and outstanding dedication to the members of the 416th Engineer Command despite the hazards of a hostile fire zone. He served as an advocate for the enlisted men and women of the Command representing their issues of concern.”
In 1991, David returned to the 863rd in Aurora as Command Sergeant Major. In 1994, he transferred to the 6015th Garrison Support Unit in Forest Park, which he helped build to full strength.
In April 1998, he retired from the Army Reserves as a Command Sergeant Major.
Coincidentally, in April 1998 he retired from the Kane County Sheriff’s Department where he worked 30 years as Transportation Department supervisor, investigator, and bomb squad commander! In April 1998, he was at the Kane County States Attorney’s office as a special criminal investigator. Later in 1998, he was appointed interim County Coroner for 24 months.
For two years in the 1990s, he was on the United States Presidential Special Oversight Board for the Department of Defense Investigations of Gulf War Chemical and Biological Incidents.
From 2009 to the present, David has been a trustee for the Aurora Township. He hopes to continue by being reelected this year. David is married to his wife Shirley and they have one son and one granddaughter.
David’s military and civilian service can be summed up in the words of his Legion of Merit Award from the Army: “…Command Sgt. Major Moore’s entire service has been marked by complete devotion to the United States Army and his soldiers. His exemplary performance and dedication to duty are in keeping with the highest tradition of military service and reflect great credit on him and the United States Army.”