Diabetes Club active for awareness

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By Russ George

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley participated in three events during the first week of August to bring-about an awareness of diabetes, by reminding everyone to be aware of the dangers of unchecked diabetes and to take time yearly, to be checked for diabetes or pre-diabetic conditions.

  • Tuesday, Aug. 1, the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley participated in Aurora alderman Carl Franco’s Fifth Ward National Night Out, at Washington Park, on Constitution Drive, in Aurora. Members handed out literature explaining pre-diabetes, Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes, while enjoying the music, games, pizza, and beverages.

•First Friday, Aug. 4, club members setup at the Stolp Avenue Block Party, in Downtown Aurora. Club members enjoyed the live music and the variety of food offered by the food trucks, while handing out literature on pre-diabetes and diabetes.

The members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley thank everyone who attended the two events, purchased tickets, made donations, and entered our free door-prize drawings. Tuesday night’s door-prize winner was Mike Nelson from Aurora and Friday night’s winner was Sarah Collie from Morganza, La..

  • Saturday, Aug. 5, more than 80 Diabetes Club of Fox Valley members and friends of DCFV were at the Club’s “Kane County Cougars Diabetes Awareness Event” for a fun-filled evening. Everyone enjoyed an extra inning game with a walk-off home run victory for the Cougars, complete with a terrific fireworks show, at Northwestern Medicine Field, Kirk Road, in Geneva. Thanks to the Kane County Cougars, our Club raised a lot of money to aid in our Club’s fight against diabetes.
  • Saturday, Aug. 19, the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley will join with the Aurora Noon Lions Club at the Aurora Farmers Market, from 8 a.m. to noon. The Lions will offer free vision and hearing screening and DCFV will hand out literature on pre-diabetes and diabetes.
  • Friday, Sept. 1, the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley will be host to “Tee Off to Defeat Diabetes” Golf Outing, at Fox Bend Golf Course, Route 34, Oswego.

Registration will start at 11 a.m. with a shotgun beginning at 1 p.m.. Cost is $130 per golfer and includes 18-hole scramble format tournament, golf cart, lunch, buffet dinner, and prizes for course events. Social and cash bar will start at 6 p.m., buffet dinner at 7 p.m.. A buffet-dinner-only option is available at $20 per person. Basket raffles and 50/50 raffle will follow dinner.

Deadline for golf registration is August 17. Buffet-dinner only deadline is August 31.

Register by phone: Matt McCain 630-740-4348 or online at: https://diabeteshelpnearme.com.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization that meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month at the historic Gray’s Mill Estate, 211 N. River Street, Montgomery. Social/Dinner at 5:30 p.m.. Our meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. and guests are always welcome!

Want to help us fight diabetes locally? Mail your tax deductible donation to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, IL 60542

Interested in joining or have questions about the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, want a membership brochure/application, please call, text or send an E-mail with your name and address to president Russ George, 630-205-9065, or, send andE-mail: Diabetesclubfv@gmail.com.

— Diabetes Club of Fox Valley

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