By Russ George
The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley’s “Tee Off to Defeat Diabetes” Golf Outing was held on Friday, September 1 at Fox Bend Golf Course, in Oswego.
Russ George, president of the Diabetes Club welcomed 70 golfers prior to their teeing off at one o’clock on a perfect weather day for a golf outing.

Golfers started arriving at 11:30 a.m. for lunch along with an opportunity to win the use of a decorated golf cart full of more than $500. in prizes, in addition to viewing the 17 great raffle items and baskets to be raffled after dinner.
Eighty-five golfers and guests enjoyed the social and buffet dinner, with golf awards, drawings for door prizes, raffle items and the 50/50 cash drawing.
The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley wishes to thank all who supported our “Tee Off to Defeat Diabetes” Golf Outing, allowing our Club to raise funds to provide aid, awareness, education, and research, in our fight against diabetes.

Thank you to our Hole Sponsors….Gold Level: AC’S Pub, Arch Printing, Insight Marketing Solutions and RE/MAX Suburban- Michelle Hoyt….Silver Level: Artlip and Sons, Arlene and Richard Hawks, I.B.E.W. Local 461, Llamas St. Jules LLP-Attorneys at Law, Olsson Roofing….Bronze Level: Ace Hardware Northgate, All Around Pumping Service, Juany Garza City of Aurora Alderwoman, Genoa Pizza Sugar Grove, Kenlyn Nash-Demeter, Northern Illinois Stampede Travel Baseball, Oxie Optical, and The Turn Dawgz.
Thank you to all the businesses and individuals who donated raffle items, baskets and gift cards….AC’S Pub, Ach-N-Lou’s Pizza Pub, Adam Broholm, Al Broholm, Ed Carroll, Russ and Marilyn George, Layla Groleau, Hedz Up Hair Salon, Jim Klingel, Ernie and Pat Jones, Ann McBride, Jenny McCain, Matt McCain, Kenlyn Nash-Demeter, Theresa Shoemaker, Superior Beverage and several anonymous individuals.
A shoutout of thanks to Adam Broholm, Golf Outing Chairperson, Matt McCain, Co-Chairperson, Ann McBride, Media Committee Chairperson, Jenny McCain, Fundraising Chairperson, and all the members who solicited Hole Sponsors, Raffle and Door Prize Items, and volunteered to work the event, for their dedication to have an outstanding golf outing….Carter Crane of The Voice for promoting our event….Fox Bend Golf Course for hosting our golf outing….To all the golfers who participated in our first golf outing….and everyone who attended the dinner and raffles!
The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, that meets monthly on the second Thursday of each month, at the historic Gray’s Mill Estate, 211 N. River Street, Montgomery. Social/Dinner at 5:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Guests are always welcome!
The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley was established with a Mission to support efforts to prevent and find a cure for diabetes. Our purpose is to raise funds to aid those who work in research and /or education regarding diabetes, and to assist those with diabetes in any way we can. Our vision is to have a world free of diabetes.
Want to help us fight diabetes locally? Make a tax deductible donation on our website: or mail your tax deductible donation to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, IL 60542
Interested in joining or have questions about the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, want a membership brochure/application, please call, text or send an E-mail with your name and address to president Russ George, 630-205-9065 or send E-mail: