Diabetes Club growth real

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By Russ George

In less than six months the newly formed Diabetes Club of For Valley (DCFV) has grown from 15 founding members to 43 dedicated individuals, who want to bring about an awareness of diabetes, provide aid and education for diabetics, along with investing in research to find a cure!

The Club is a true grassroots organization, where all money raised through dues, donations, and fundraising, will be used locally for the Club’s diabetic causes. The DCFV became a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization in late December 2022 which allowed individuals and organizations to make tax deductible donations.

The members of DCFV thank the charitable organization, “Chase The Moon”, in Aurora, for its donation of $500, received March 23, to aid in our club’s fight against diabetes.

Want to help DCFV, in its fight against diabetes? Tax deductible donations can be sent to: Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, P.O. Box 88, North Aurora, IL 60542

Why not join our fight against diabetes. DCFV individual tax deductible membership dues are only $50 per year.

Have questions about the Club or wish to join with us, please contact, president Russ George, Cell/Text: 630-205-9065 or send E-mail: Diabetesclubfv@gmail.com.

— Diabetes Club of For Valley

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