Dignified transfer, service, for Walter Backman remains

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Memorial Day is the first of six major holidays in the U.S. if you link New Year’s Day to Christmas. To some of us Memorial Day is the start of Summer. The good weather is an indication.
Memorial Day, however, is a time to honor those who have seen their lives come to an end and should be memorialized. Originally it was relevant to the horrific number of casualties in the U.S. Civil War, 1861-1865. There is good reason for Memorial Day to be relevant. We think of and are thankful to those whose lives were taken from us too soon, in many cases.
Important notes should be added:
• Among the many observances will be the dignified transfer of the remains of Walter Backman from Pearl Harbor to The Healy Chapel in Aurora and to River Hills Cemetery in Batavia. Jacob Zimmerman, superintendent of Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission, informs us this week that Backman’s remains will arrive from World War II’s Pearl Harbor to O’Hare Airport Saturday and taken to The Healy Chapel in Aurora where a prayer service will be held at 1 p.m. Memorial Day Monday. A motorcade will take his remains to River Hills for interment at 2 p.m. Monday. See pages 5 and 6 for information;
• A better phone number than last week in this space for the free veterans steak fry June 22 at the Kendall County Fairgrounds is 630-553-7204 to order free tickets. All others pay for their steaks;
• Father Jerry Leake, Aurora’s St. Joseph Parish pastor, will celebrate the 50th year of priesthood at a 10:30 a.m. mass at the Parish Center until 3 p.m.. His work is an institution, including Aurora Police Chaplain since 1975.
• The Special Olympics fundraiser, Cop On A Rooftop was successful in many Illinois communities Friday, in part because of the participation of Dunkin’ Donut franchises. Teamwork helped to raise many thousands of dollars for Special Olympics. It is special.
• African American Men of Unity will present JuneTeenth Saturday, June 16 at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park on Farnsworth Avenue in Aurora. Enjoy!
• June 9 will be Downtown Aurora Magic Festival 2018, successor to the Harry Potter Festival. Enjoy!

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