Dolan and Murphy captures Icebreaker

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By Robin Reder – 
Dolan and Murphy men’s fastpitch softball team opened its season and won the DeKalb Icebreaker tournament championship recently.
In the championship game, Dolan defeated Kimberly, Wis., 6-1. Dave Perkins, John Schweighart, and Justin Krenzke each had two hits. Jeff Nowaczyk collected two runs batted in, Ryan Cartee and Robert Reder each had one run batted in. Jose Deleon was the winning pitcher and struck out 10 and gave up five hits.
Dolan and Murphy will play on Memorial Day weekend in Walcott, Iowa.
In the first game, Dolan won 10-0 over Sycamore. Leading the way on offense were Mick Baker with a double and home run and two runs batted in, Dave Schuett with two home runs, and Trent Kress with a double, a home run, and three runs batted in. Winning pitcher was Deleon with a no-hitter and 11 strikeouts.
Next game, Dolan defeated Kenosha Wis., 6-2. Jeff Nowaczyk led the offense with a triple and two runs batted in and Trent Kress with a double and two runs batted in. Jon Gwizdala was the winning pitcher.
Next, Dolan defeated New Hamsburg, Ontario, 10-2. Leading the offense were Perkins with three hits and two runs batted in, Schweighart with two hits and three runs batted in, and Schuett with two hits and one run batted in. Jose Deleon was the winning pitcher and gave up four hits and struck out six.
In the semifinals Dolan defeated Kenosha, Wis. again, 6-2. Leading the offense were Reder with two hits, Perkins with two hits and three runs batted in, and Baker with a home run. Gwizdala was the winning pitcher.

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