The official coronavirus story may not prevail

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This essay is the 10-year anniversary of my writing every other week in The Voice.

In two news items, we have learned that AstraZeneca Laboratories and Johnson and Johnson Company are experiencing difficulties with the efficacy of their vaccines. The former may have been formulating their product based upon outdated information, while the latter has detected contamination in their formulae.

What are we to make of these developments, dear reader?

What we should be making is that the rush to produce a vaccine has led to taking shortcuts by the pharmaceutical industry, specifically the less than thorough testing of the products and the haste in the certification by the Food and Drug Administration.

Which reminds me: Have you read any news reports concerning adverse reactions to the vaccines in use? I have read only one, and it was purely speculative in nature. You are not likely to read/hear about any statistics in this regard, because the public-health community and the government regulators don’t wish to have its collective reputations sullied by any negative fall-out. They will cover it up and/or blame the conspiracy theories of anti-vaxxers.

Monetary relief for the victims or their survivors will be hard to come by because the industry has been completely indemnified against any lawsuits and because the government agency which does offer relief moves at a snail’s pace, if it moves at all.

Speaking of cover-ups: This whole pandemic business has been one gigantic cover-up. I am not making up anything which follows, dear reader; I have read a ton of material based upon painstaking, lengthy, investigative reporting by individuals, both inside and outside of the biological and academic circles, who have their doubts about the official story of the origin of the coronavirus. If you want to read the whole scary story yourself, hie yourself to the website and type “coronavirus” in the search box.

The official story is that the coronavirus derived from a bat virus carried by a bat for sale in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China. Some months prior, six Chinese miners had entered a cave full of bats hundreds of miles from Wuhan; three of them died from exposure to the bat virus. Statement No. 2 contradicts Statement No. 1, because humans and bats don’t normally interact with each other.

The fact of the matter is that, when Chinese bio-researchers learned about the miners, they decided to experiment with the bat virus in order to determine how much more deadly they could make it. The rationale was to create an anti-toxin in case some foreign power attempted to use the coronavirus as a bio-weapon. They got careless and leaked the super-virus into the general Chinese population. The rest is history.

One more interesting fact should be mentioned at this point. What differentiates the coronavirus pandemic from all historic pandemics, e.g. the bubonic plague of the 13th Century and the East Asian bird flu and the swine flu of the modern era is that the latter never mutated into more deadly variants, because they were never genetically engineered. Sad to say, our present plague will continue to mutate until there is no one left to infect, either through natural defenses or a vaccine worthy of the name.

Our former president, Donald Trump, was fond of calling the resultant pandemic the “Chinese virus” or the “Kung flu”, which, unfortunately, has led to a wave of anti-Asian hate crimes. In one sense, he was right. But you should know, dear reader, that the funding for the research came from the U. S. of A.. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars were donated to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to genetically engineer the bat virus by way of the aforementioned rationale; the money came out of the budgets of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, and the Pentagon got into the act as well.

Here is where the cover-up begins and ends. If the truth were revealed, heads high up on the food chain would roll. The powers-that-be, i.e. the public-health community, the World Health Organization, and our government, have promoted the notion that the doubters of the official story are engaged in a conspiracy to deny Americans their right to effective health care in order to stifle the voices of anti-vaxxers. So far, they have succeeded.

But cracks in the monolith are beginning to show. “The Truth is out there,” as agent Fox Mulder of The X-Files fame used to say. And the Truth will out, sooner or later; we who doubt will be vindicated.

Just a thought.

P.S.: A handful of medical studies has suggested that a natural defense against the coronavirus can be had with good old vitamin D, either from exposure to sunlight or from supplements. Check it out!

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