DuPage County 4-H members revel in awards, virtually

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DuPage County 4-H members marked the culmination of their 4-H year virtually this year, through an online project show. More than 370 entries were submitted in this format as families embraced this adaptation to their normal in-person summer fairs and shows.

“Although it was a different experience, the 4-H virtual show still provided a way for members to show what they have learned and accomplished throughout the year,” said Andrea Farrier, 4-H youth development program coordinator in DuPage County. “This year, photos and videos of those project exhibits, along with one-page reports for each entry, were uploaded to an online system in place of being brought to a physical show.”

Each 4-H year, members select projects that interest them from a list of more than 80 across the broader areas of animal science; civic engagement; creative arts; environment; healthy living; science, technology, engineering and math; and career and leadership development. Once youth choose projects, they dive into learning on their own, through local workshops or clubs, or with the help of caring adults in their lives. Often their goal is to show off their project work through the Summer 4-H show.

Winfield Bluebirds 4-H Club member Trent Wisdom is especially proud of a visual arts project he made for the fiber category, a scarf. “Three things I learned when working on this project were patience, perseverance, and how to weave on a larger loom,” said the 10-year-old, who went on to earn grand champion honors.

During the 2020 virtual show, just like with in-person competitions, youth had the opportunity to get feedback on their work through judging. Knowledgeable judges reviewed virtual submissions and provided positive, constructive feedback to help 4-H’ers continue growing and learning into the next year.

“We thank all of our DuPage County 4-H show volunteer judges, award sponsors, superintendents, club leaders and other volunteers for giving our youth this important experience in a memorable year,” said Farrier. “Thank you also to our 4-H members and families for your hard work and dedication.”

The 2020 DuPage County 4-H show project entries and results are available for public viewing until August 21 at fairentry.com/Fair/Results/13947.

Top award winners in each of this year’s project areas are as follows: (listed by project, award, 4-H member name, 4-H club and city of residence). In general project areas, an asterisk (*) denotes a 4-H member who won multiple champion or reserve champion awards in the same category but earned them in different classes.


Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Tucker Hill, Just Say Nay, Wheaton

Animal science

Grand Champion, Anne Gulbransen, Just Say Nay, West Chicago; Reserve Champion, Simon Smith, High Hopes, Westmont

Civic engagement

Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst

Clothing & textiles

Grand Champions/State Fair Delegates, Eliyah Stefanski, Trinity Trailblazers, Villa Park; Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst

College and career readiness

Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst


Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Levi Barshinger, Winfield Bluebirds, Lombard

Family heritage

Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Eamon Bargher, Darien Dragons, Darien; Reserve Champion, Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst

Food and nutrition

Grand Champions/State Fair Delegates, Zelda Price, Darien Dragons, Darien; Gavin Schnall, Darien Dragons, Darien; Alexander Ford*, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst; Elizabeth Berberich, Trinity Trailblazers, Villa Park; Reserve Champion, Emma Madsen, Darien Dragons, Darien; State Fair Alternates, Emma Madsen, Alexander Ford


State Fair Delegate, Gavin Schnall


Grand Champion Overall Sr. Milking Goat, Oliver Barraclough, Whirlybirds, Carol Stream; Reserve Grand Champion Overall Sr. Milking Goat, Samantha Marwedel, Warrenville Acorns, Wheaton; Grand Champion Overall Dry Goat, Samantha Marwedel; Champion Jr. Lamancha, Samantha Marwedel; Reserve Champion Jr. Lamancha, Samantha Marwedel; Champion Jr. All Other Breeds (AOB), Daisy Marwedel; Champion Jr. Grade, Oliver Barraclough; Champion Sr. Alpine, Oliver Barraclough; Champion Sr. AOB, Samantha Marwedel; Champion AOB Buck Kid, Daisy Marwedel; Grand Champion Overall Wether, Oliver Barracloughs; Champion Meat Goat Wether, Oliver Barracloughs; Champion Dairy Wether, Samantha Marwedel; Reserve Champion Dairy Wether, Daisy Marwedel, Warrenville Acorns, Wheaton.


Champion Western Pleasure, Shay Mcelwee, Just Say Nay, Carol Stream; Champion English Pleasure, Anne Gulbransen; Champion English Equitation, Shay Mcelwee; Reserve Champion Equitation, Kyla Rowley, Just Say Nay, Wheaton; Champion Hunter Hack, Shay Mcelwee; Reserve Champion Hunter Hack, Anne Gulbransen


Grand Champion Club/State Fair Delegate, Trinity Trailblazers; Reserve Champion Club/State Fair Alternate, Opportunity Getters; State Fair Delegate Individual, Ian Wang, The Goatinators, Naperville


Grand Champion Club/State Fair Delegate, Trinity Trailblazers

Natural resources

Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst


Grand Champion, Zelda Price, Darien Dragons, Darien; Reserve Champion, Isabella Rigatos, Opportunity Getters, West Chicago; State Fair Delegates, Zelda Price; Isabella Rigatos; Anne Gulbransen, Just Say Nay, West Chicago; State Fair Alternates, Levi Barshinger, Winfield Bluebirds, Lombard; Skylar Otey, Warrenville Acorns, Glen Ellyn; Gavin Schnall, Darien Dragons, Darien

Public presentations

Champion-Individual/State Fair Delegates, Justin Hartsell, Winfield Bluebirds, West Chicago; Veronica Rauch, Just Say Nay, Downers Grove; Champion-Team/State Fair Delegates, Justin and Xander Hartsell, Winfield Bluebirds, West Chicago


Best of Show –Adam Kowalyshen, Opportunity Getters, Naperville


Grand Champion Overall Rabbit, Nora Tobin Newell; Reserve Grand Champion Overall Rabbit, Adam Kowalyshen; Champion Grade, Nora Tobin Newell, Whirlybirds, Winfield; Champion Californian, Nora Tobin Newell; Reserve Champion Californian, Emily Lesko, Whirlybirds, Naperville; Champion New Zealand- Adam Kowalyshen; Reserve Champion New Zealand- Adam Kowalyshen; Champion Dutch, Adam Kowalyshen; Reserve Champion Dutch, Adam Kowalyshen; Champion Mini Lop Solid, Emily Lesko; Reserve Champion Mini Lop Solid, Emily Lesko; Champion Mini Lop Broken, Emily Lesko; Champion Holland Lop Solid, Nora Tobin Newell

Veterinary science

Grand Champion, Simon Smith, High Hopes, Westmont

Visual arts

Grand Champions, Lucy Rozylowicz, Ku-Dus, Wheaton; Eva Bargher, Darien Dragons, Darien; Peyton Weinmann, Warrenville Acorns, Warrenville; Trent Wisdom, Winfield Bluebirds, West Chicago; Allison Gochee, Warrenville Acorns, Wheaton; Mary Kish, Trinity Trailblazers, Westmont; Alexander Ford, Trinity Trailblazers, Elmhurst; Skylar Otey, Warrenville Acorns, Glen Ellyn; Eliyah Stefanski, Trinity Trailblazers, Villa Park

Reserve Champions, Gavin Schnall, Darien Dragons, Darien; Lucy Rozylowicz; Anna Buonincontro*, High Hopes, Westmont; Allison Gochee, Julia Gergen, Trinity Trailblazers, Lombard; Anne Gulbransen, Just Say Nay, West Chicago; Rose Vining, Trinity Trailblazers, Westmont

State Fair Delegates, Michael Gochee, Warrenville Acorns, Wheaton; Eva Bargher, Lucy Rozylowicz, Anna Buonincontro, Peyton Weinmann, Trent Wisdom, Alexander Ford, Eliyah Stefanski

State Fair Alternates, Lucy Rozylowicz, Mary Kish, Skylar Otey, Allison Gochee, Anna Buonincontro, Rose Vining


Grand Champion/State Fair Delegate, Moriah Berberich, Trinity Trailblazers, Villa Park; Reserve Champion/State Fair Delegate, Nora Tobin Newell, Whirlybirds, Winfield

State Fair Alternate, Skylar Otey, Warrenville Acorns, Glen Ellyn

— DuPage County 4-H

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