Earth Day truly significant

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If we really, truly, love our grandchildren, or our children, or somebody else’s grandchildren, then we must take responsibility and begin to show our love for them through our actions. It is time for us to take care of the earth, because, if we don’t, the earth will no longer be able to take care of future generations, or even our older selves.

If we really, truly, love our grandchildren, we must do everything we can to protect the air from fossil fuel pollution in order to stop climate change. We must protect our endangered species and their habitat, protect our clean water and air, and make sure our food is safe to make our bodies strong and healthy.

If we really, truly, love our grandchildren we will do these things willingly, happily, and joyfully.

For some, the meaning of life is to leave the earth a better place for future generations. As the climate crisis increases, dangerous storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts are becoming more common, catastrophes we don’t want to leave to our children. Let us remember, in all of our daily deliberations, to show our love for our children and grandchildren through our love for our Mother Earth. May every day be Earth Day, every month Earth Month, and every year Earth Year!

It’s not too late to save the planet, but we better hurry up!

Happy Earth Day!

Mavis A. Bates, L. Ac., is the Kane County Board Member for District 4 and chair of the Sierra Club, Valley of the Fox, Kane. and Kendall Counties.

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