Events at Oswego Senior Center: Free memory, pickle ball, wood working

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The Oswego Senior Center, 156 E. Washington Street, Oswego, will be host to many events for seniors. All events will take place at the Oswego Senior Center, unless otherwise noted.

• Free Memory Screens, by appointment.

There are many known causes, ranging from Alzheimer’s to depression or vitamin and nutrition deficiencies. A free memory screening only takes 15 minutes and can indicate if you might benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation. This screen is not used to diagnose illness and should not be used in place of physician consultation. Please call 630-554-5602 to set an appointment with Kathy Perez, MSW, LSW at the Oswego Senior Center, 156 E. Washington Street.

• Chair Exercise, Mondays and Thursdays: 9 a.m..

The group will get moving with a chair exercise DVD. Drop in anytime and enjoy exercise with others.

• Pickle ball, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 9 a.m. to noon.

Pickle ball is a low-impact sport, that is easy to get the hang of for anyone who has played a racquet sport. We invite all interested participants, age 60 years or better: New, novice, or experienced players to join us at the Oswego Senior Center, 156 E. Washington Street. Experienced players will be on hand to help beginners! Be sure to wear comfortable gym shoes and easy to move-in clothing.

• Woodwork Shop, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11 a.m..

Woodshop is a do-it-yourself workshop which offers seniors age 60 and older access to a variety of woodworking tools and equipment. Whether you’re new to woodworking, don’t have the space or equipment at home, or would like to create or finish a home project, our patient and talented volunteer coordinator, Dan McCluskey, and fellow wood shoppers will help you. The woodshop is generally open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., but if wood-shop users are going to arrive after 1 p.m. please call ahead to make sure a woodshop volunteer will be available. For more information, please call 630-554-5602.

• Doctors Notes Series: “Fall Prevention, Balance & Strength” Tuesday, Nov. 26, 11 a.m..

At this month’s series about the aging body, we will discuss ways to prevent falls, increase both strength and better balance. Please RSVP to 630-554-5602.

• Ceramics, Tuesday and Thursday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m..

The Oswego Senior Center will welcome all interested seniors to try out ceramics. We have many pieces to work on, a large selection of greenware and our own kiln. Suggested donation: $1 plus cost of piece. Call 630-554-5602 for information.

• Oswego Senior Center Congregate Meal Program.

The Oswego Senior Center offers congregate lunch to seniors, age 60 and older, Monday and Thursday each week at noon. Please call 630-554-5602 for the menu. Reservations are required by calling 630-554-5602 by 10am the business day prior. Suggested $5 donation.

Monday, Nov. 25: Turkey and stuffing, green bean casserole yams, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and apple pie.

Thursday, Nov. 28: No lunch happy Thanksgiving!

— Oswego Senior Center

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