Everybody loves Chuck theme, wishes, of Aurora farewell

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By Jason Crane

At the Aurora city government Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday, through the Zoom video conference platform, the City Council thanked deputy mayor Chuck Nelson for his service to Aurora.

Everybody loves Chuck!

That was the theme for the man who was born and raised in Aurora.

Nelson has served as deputy mayor since 2017. He was elected as Ward 4 alderman in 1993 and served for three terms until 2005. In 2006, he began his tenure as assistant chief of staff for the late mayor Tom Weisner, a position he held until 2015. Nelson was appointed as director of neighborhood standards for two years. He is a Class of 1976 graduate of East Aurora High School (Click here for the City’s press release).

Council members offered reflections, and mayor Richard Irvin shared some comments about Nelson.

Mayor Irvin explained 2005 was the first time he asked Chuck Nelson to consider being deputy mayor of Aurora when Irvin first ran for mayor.

Mayor Irvin didn’t win in his first two bids for mayor but after he won in his third attempt as mayor in 2017, he created the position of deputy mayor and appointed Chuck to the position.

“Whoever follows in Chuck’s footsteps is going to have big shoes to fill,” Irvin said.

“This partnership that we built is coming to an end but we’ll always have those memories recognizing what Chuck did for the city of Aurora.”

Mayor Irvin shared a proclamation of December 14-18 as Chuck Nelson Week and January 7, 2021 as Chuck Nelson Day.

First Ward alderman Emmanuel Llamas said, “Everybody loves Chuck is so accurate.

“You are a true community leader and someone very important and helpful to me now and definitely a role model.”

Second Ward alderman Juany Garza said, “On behalf of the Latino community, I appreciate all that you do. When we have concerns and issues we call you.

Even if everybody was all upset and screaming, you are calm all the time.

I going to miss you a lot. You deserve your retirement. Enjoy your grandkids and kids. Enjoy your retirement!”

Third Ward alderman Ted Mesiacos said, “Chuck, you are a class act period. No more, no less.

“I hope you enjoy your retirement with your family.

“I wouldn’t be as successful as Third Ward alderman the past four years without your help!”

Fourth Ward alderman Bill Donnell said, “A class act. You are honest and straight forward but always appropriate.

“You have stood in for the mayor and given out awards to maybe a fire fighter or police officers. Not only did you give the award out, but you knew these people. You knew their families. You represent Aurora so well.

“You are probably the best listener that I’ve ever seen.

“You are attentive and direct. You’re really in a class of your own.

“Thank you so much for your help with me in the Fourth Ward and the city of Aurora!”

Fifth Ward alderman Carl Franco said, “Even though people know you’re deputy mayor, they consider you a friend and a neighbor first.

“Thank you for all your years of service because for me you’ve been a wonderful mentor and helping me out!”

Sixth Ward alderman Michael Saville said, “The first time I met Chuck and Karen and his family was the night that Chuck took the oath of office as a newly-elected alderman in 1993.

“Chuck was eventually appointed to serve on the Finance Committee and joined Bob O’Connor and myself.

“Chuck was working the third shift at the time at Fox Metro, so we began our meetings at 10 in the mornings to accommodate Chuck’s schedule. I still don’t know how you managed to get any sleep because you had to correspond with your constituents during the day as well!”

Alderman Saville reminisced about discussing many things from politics to sports outside, sometimes in hot or cold weather.

“Chuck you always had your heart in the right place. You are a stand-up guy looking to get things accomplished for the right reasons and doing the right things.

“Your shoes will be hard to fill. Best of luck to you!”

Seventh Ward alderman Scheketa Hart-Burns said, “Everybody loves Chuck!

“You are a true Auroran. Your voice speaks loud.

“Chuck has been dynamic. He has truly, truly been strong, knowledgeable, helpful.

“Whenever people ask, he does his best to try to give it or do it!

“Whatever you’ve done you kept a smile on your face, even in pain.

“Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I love you!”

Eighth Ward alderman Patty Smith said, “My first interaction was back in 2008 when mayor Weisner honored me with the award of Volunteer of the Year.

“You were so kind and nice to me and made me feel so much at home.

“From that point on I always knew I had a friend at City Hall.

“You have been such a tremendous help to me, to my Ward.

“You’re truly a one of a kind human being. Some time at some point your position will be filled but your shoes never will Chuck!

“Enjoy the new journey in life, happy retirement, and you will be missed!”

Ninth Ward alderman Edward Bugg said, “I served in a service organization decades ago and the motto of the organization was taste, class, and pride.

“That is Chuck! Taste, class, and pride. He’s one of a kind!

“I’m so thankful that he was chosen by the mayor to be the deputy mayor because he has that compassionate heart for our City. He was the right man for the job! Happy retirement!”

Tenth Ward alderman Judd Lofchie said, “Thank you for always being there, for being the voice of reason.

“When we have issues and when you were head of Property Standards, even now when like Juany said, when there’s issues you seem to be able to diffuse it and calm people down and get a consensus which is awesome. That is so invaluable and we are truly going to miss you!

“One thing that nobody else has said is you are a very well-dressed guy!”

Alderman-at-large Sherman Jenkins said, “You listen intently and you were always involved in the community. The slogan ‘everybody loves Chuck’ is one that’s right on.

“You really showed that you were committed.

“You’re going to love retirement. You’re going to love the grandkids. Enjoy yourself!”

Alderman-at-large Robert O’Connor said, “From 1993 to 2005 anytime you were in the parades you got 10 times more yelled at than the rest of us…hey Chuck, how are you Chuck?

“Your characters of humanity, humility, a keen common sense, a great sense of humor, a great respectfulness, a great dignity. That’s what’s made you so well received by everybody.

“Thank you so much for all of your service!”

Part of the presentation was video salutes to Chuck by Chicago White Sox mascot Southpaw and former Chicago Bear Mike Singletary.

Chuck replied, “I truly have been blessed, certainly to have this opportunity.

“I certainly wish I had time tonight to thank everyone who has been involved with my life and public service life, but we’d be here until Christmas 2021.

“I certainly want to thank my wife Karen and my two daughters and their families.

“For those of you who are serving or have served in public life, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

“I’m thankful to have had the great opportunity to have a chance to serve with mayor Pierce and mayor Stover.

“I owe much of my thanks to mayor Tom Weisner who brought me on in 2006 as an assistant chief of staff.

“He governed with passion and devotion. Mayor Weisner truly loved this City.

“I had the opportunity to work under mayor O’Connor.

“He governed with the same style and demeanor that we have become familiar with all the years Bob has served on the City Council.

“Mayor Irvin, you offered me an opportunity that never existed before in the City’s history, to become deputy mayor.

“Mayor Irvin, you certainly are a bold, forward thinking, and inclusive leader.

“You thrive on meeting challenges and creating opportunities that will better our community.

“I want to thank all the City employees, past and present for a job well done.

“I want to thank the many residents who took time over my years to volunteer for various causes and their ongoing support of the city of Aurora.

“I want to thank all of you again for all of your comments.

“God bless all of you!”

The meeting can be viewed on the City’s Facebook page.

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