Evidence thin relative to origin of COVID-19 in China

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Disclaimer: This essay contains information gleaned from the website of the Organic Consumers Association (www.organicconsumers.org/blog/murder-most-foul).

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a face and voice of Donald Trump Administration’s war on the coronavirus, (COVID-19) is in a state of denial.

He, and the medical establishment, have refuted the theory that the virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, and was accidentally leaked, because there is no evidence to back it up. He has rejected the idea that the virus was found in the wild and brought to the lab from which it accidentally escaped. Instead, he has pushed the notion that the virus “evolved in nature and then jumped species”; this theory brings into play the so-called “wet markets” where live animals from the wild are butchered in a public arena and the body parts are sold to the general public. This theory is intended to get the government in Beijing off the hook.

There is no evidence, of course, because Chinese leader Xi Jinping had it destroyed to avoid culpability and threatened the laboratory personnel with jail time if they ever spoke in public about what went on in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Similar to our own president, Xi denies all responsibility for anything which goes wrong, but claims all credit for anything which goes right. China wants to be the dominant economic power on the planet, and a little thing like being responsible for the deadliest disease since the Spanish influenza of 1918 would tend to throw a monkey wrench into the works, don’t you know?

Although Fauci and the World Health Organization (WHO) have soft-pedaled the case against China, the biotechnology community tells a different story. Dr. Francis Boyle, an international expert and the author of the 1989 U.S. law banning bioweapon research (which has been routinely ignored by scientists at the U.S. Army laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland): “I am not saying that China deliberately released this [coronavirus], shooting itself in the foot. But it is clear that they were developing an extremely dangerous unknown biological weapon that had never been seen before, and it leaked out of the lab.”

Molecular geneticist Dr. Michael Antoniou, a long-time critic of genetic engineering, has described a method called directed iterative evolutionary selection, or gain-of-function research, by which a number of protein receptors of a given virus is selected for their effectiveness in infecting human cells and combined to create a new virus. This method netted its inventors a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 2018, although it is doubtful that they intended their invention to be used for biowarfare. If the individuals at Wuhan did use this method and the virus leaked, those who were infected could have passed it on to the general population, and there would have been no evidence of its having been genetically engineered.

Interestingly enough, last year, Dr. Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, committed millions of our tax dollars to the researchers at the WIV over a six-year period, following in the footsteps of a previous five-year commitment. Methinks that the good doctor has been playing both sides of the street and hopes that his refutation of laboratory-derived viruses will deflect attention away from his mea culpa.

The rationale for studying and genetically-engineering viruses, which Fauci has supported all of his professional career, is allegedly self-defense. The nature and structure of a potential enemy’s bioweapon must be examined so that we can create a counter-bioweapon. No thought is given to the possibility that our germ is just as deadly, if not deadlier, as their germ.

An article written by Josh Rogin for the Washington Post April 14, stated that personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing had visited the lab in Wuhan in 2018 and subsequently tried to warn our accidental president of the dangers inherent in the research they found there. Trump ignored the warning and called the whole thing a hoax. Now, he has changed his tune and is calling it the “Chinese virus” (which it truly is) and is pushing for an investigation into the matter. Ironically, he once had undying praise for president Xi’s handling of the outbreak. Birds of a feather, don’t you know, dear reader?

In the meantime, Trump has called for re-opening the country in order to re-grow the economy upon which his re-election bid is dependent, despite misgivings by the medical establishment. He would rather see hundreds of thousands of Americans die, than lose in November.

Just a thought.

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