Explaining prediabetes and what to do

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By Russ George

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley has been receiving inquiries about what is prediabetes, and what should you do about it?

Here’s what the American Diabetes Association has to say about prediabetes.

“Prediabetes is a condition that comes before diabetes. It means your blood sugar (glucose) levels are higher than normal, but aren’t high enough to be called diabetes. There are no clear symptoms of prediabetes, which means you can have it and not know it. If you do have prediabetes, it means you are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and more likely to get heart disease or have a stroke.

“The good news is that you can take steps to delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes with daily physical activity, such as walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, along with reaching a healthy weight, and making healthy food choices: 1.) Focus on eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. 2.) Fill half your plate with vegetables, but go easy on the high starchy ones. 3.) Drink more water or zero calorie drinks. Start by cutting back on sugar sweetened beverages, such as regular soda, juice, and sweet tea. 4.) Be mindful of your portions by using a smaller nine-inch plate, slow down when eating, split restaurant meals, and enjoy more meals at home. Visit
diabetes.org for more information about prediabetes and diabetesfoodhub.org for delicious recipes.”

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley thanks the American Diabetes Association’s Chicagoland Office, for allowing DCFV to distribute ADA’s information on prediabetes, and diabetes.

Members of the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley meet monthly and have guest speakers from various health and community organizations. Our next membership meeting will be held Wednesday, April 10, at Oak Street Restaurant, 945 Oak Street, in North Aurora. Optional Dinner at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.; guests are always welcome!

Our Club’s April “Meet and Greet”, organized by media chairperson, Ann McBride, to expose our Club and our mission, will be held Saturday, April 13, at Panera Bread, 1690 South Randall Road, in Geneva, from 9 a.m. to noon. Stop at our table, meet some of our members, while picking up information on diabetes and prediabetes.

The Diabetes Club of Fox Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, a true grassroots organization, where all monies raised through dues, donations and fundraising is used for our fight against diabetes. Our mission is supporting efforts to prevent and find a cure for diabetes. Our purpose is to raise funds to aid those who work in research and/or education regarding diabetes, and to assist those with diabetes in any way we can. Our vision is to have a world free of diabetes. Individual dues are $50.00 per year, corporate dues are $150.00 per year, which includes a sponsorship listing on the Club’s website: www.diabeteshelpnearme.com

Spring is here! Why not sign up to participate in our Club’s second annual “Tee Off to Defeat Diabetes” golf outing, Friday, June 21, at Bliss Creek Golf Course, in Sugar Grove, with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. for a day of fun.

Sign-up on our website: www.diabeteshelpnearme.com, or request a golf flyer and registration/sponsorship form by Email at: Diabetesclubfv@gmail.com.

Adam Broholm, chairperson, and Matt McCain, co-chairperson, said “We promise you a bigger and more rewarding event than last year! Only $130.00 per golfer, includes a hot dog lunch, golf, cart, goody bag and steak dinner!” Questions: Contact Matt McCain at: 630-740-4348.

Interested in joining with us in our fight against diabetes, or have questions about the Diabetes Club of Fox Valley, please call, send text, or send an E-mail to Club president, Russ George, 630-205-9065, or, send an Email: Diabetesclubfv@gmail.com.

Please continue to keep informed about our Club’s upcoming events, by following us in The Voice, on Facebook, and on our website: diabeteshelpnearme.com.

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