Death and taxes are inevitable.
Birth and joy are essential components in life.
In this space the objective is to diminish personal positions and offer clarity to bigger elements, bigger than self.
Recent family focus prevailed through the death of an older sister, the second of two older sisters to die.
Laying her to rest was necessary, even though her instructions were to a mere modest postmortem.
A small family gathering at the process Saturday of last week offered tight unity. Four children, some participating through Zoom, were as one to present best wishes to the soul and to remember the good times and the good things in her life. The children and grandchildren, brother, nephews, nieces, other family members, and friends, discharged their duties in somber, realistic, tones. Internalize, reflect, project, we all should want to make the best in the remaining parts of life, however long it may be! We may, or may not know, when the end of life arrives. Therefore, remaining days would be better spent in joy, rather than sorrow, in happiness, rather than grief.
The completion of the life process of loved ones is something most, if not all of us, will explore. It is a cycle of life. We can support, encourage, offer joy. It is better than the alternative.
Rest in peace!!!
• We received late word this week of the death of Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Associate Judge William J. Parkhurst August 26 after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was known for his humble demeanor. The full information is at thevoice.us rather than in print. Each venue is helpful to our mission at The Voice.
• Inevitable items in our world other than death and taxes, include politics. Each week in increasing measure, there is exposure to the November 8 election day and early voting. We should take our privilege seriously. One registered person, one vote. It is our duty, obligation, privilege.
• The League of Women Voters chapters through the State offers exposure and interviews to candidates. The Chapters within the Second Judicial District is a partner with the DuPage NAACP to be host to a hybrid forum September 18 for judicial candidates running in the November 8 General Election for State Supreme Court and Illinois Appellate Court seats. The forum will be 1 p.m. at the Batavia Public Library, 10 S. Batavia Avenue (State Route 31) and broadcast on BATV’s Public Access Channel 17. Our democracy works best if we stay tuned in for information. More next week in The Voice.
• Notes: First Fridays in Aurora will be Friday, Sept. 2 with a full array of open businesses and activities; The Elgin Symphony Orchestra and its musicians have agreed to a mutually beneficial two-year contract; The Indian Valley Community Band, based in Sandwich is seeking musicians, accomplished or novice.