By Al Benson
The FBI came to Montgomery Tuesday, Jan. 17.
A Chicago-based special agent gave an inside look at the agency at Aurora Navy League Council 247’s evening meeting at Riverview Diner in Montgomery.

In after-dinner remarks, John J. Mroszczak presented “The Activities and Challenges of the FBI Chicago Regional Office.”
A six-year FBI agent, Mroszczak serves as Community Outreach Program manager and as one of the division’s Crisis Response Team managers.
Earlier he was an executive program manager with Booz Allen Hamilton and retired from the U.S. Army after 22 years as a senior-level combat arms officer.
Answering questions after his presentation, Mroszczak said investigating domestic and international terrorism incidents and supporting state and local police in joint terrorism task forces are the bureau’s top priorities.
According to the agent, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are main sources of terrorism incidents.
Protecting the American people and their rights is the bureau’s mission he added.
Dual responsibilities include serving as a federal law enforcement agency and as a domestic intelligence agency.
While educating and informing local communities, the bureau collaborates with city, county, state, other federal agencies and international partners such as Interpol.
FBI numbers are:
• 35,000 employees
• 56 field offices in major cities (Chicago and Springfield)
• 350 satellite offices nationwide
• 60 international offices
• $8.7 billion budget (2016)
—Al Benson