Feeding the Frontline helps

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Reuland Food Service in Aurora has provided a first round of lunches donated to ER departments at Amita Mercy and Rush Copley medical centers in Aurora.

In Facebook post, Brigit Reuland said, “Thank you to all those who have sponsored lunches. You are making a difference!”

John Diederich, president and CEO of Rush Copley, replied: “While the ER staff members at our two hospitals are indeed our front line heroes, once patients are triaged through the ER, COVID-19 patients are being treated throughout the two hospitals daily.

“These meals will be shared with our ICU staff, quarantine inpatient units, repiratory care, imaging, cath lab, laboratory, housekeeping, security, and many more. Please be aware of, and thankful for, the hundreds of employee heroes who bravely come to work each day at both Rush Copley and Amita Mercy to care for our community during these anxious times.”

In a Facebook post Thursday, March 26, Reuland announced a drive for donations to provide meals to health-care workers and other first responders.

According to the post, “We are proud to participate in Feeding the Frontline. This recently-born movement allows us to provide meals for our health-care workers and other first responders, while simultaneously providing our employees the opportunity to continue working during these uncertain conditions.

“Your donation will cover the cost of making and delivering meals to local hospitals and other area first responders. We have already contacted Rush Copley Hospital and are excited to get meals to these essential members of the Aurora community.

“We will be reaching out to other organizations in the coming days. Our cost to make and deliver each meal is $6 and we ask that you order in multiples of 20. Your $120 donation can feed 20 ER nurses, doctors, and other frontline practitioners.

“Please give us a call at 630-859-2877 or E-mail brigitreuland5@gmail.com if you are interested in sponsoring this initiative for Rush Copley workers or other Aurora area first responders you would like to support.” #FeedTheFront www.feedingthefrontline.com.

—Al Benson

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