Find common bond in conversations

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At a time when things are often divided, let us all come together to find a common bond through Crucial Conversations For Community Action. The City of Aurora government will be host to a workshop from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, July 15, Aurora City Hall, 44 East Downer Place Aurora.

It is an interactive, informative workshop designed to prepare meaningful, and often difficult, conversations at home, at work, in the community.

  • Learn how to engage in critical conversations that unite rather than divide.
  • Practice structured dialogue in practical exercises and scenarios.
  • Enhance conversational skills through lively discussions.
  • Network and connect with fellow Aurora residents, businesses owners, and officials.

Join us as we build trust, bonds, and the future of our community.

There will be two sessions:

  • Morning Session: 10 a.m. to noon;
  • Afternoon Session: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m..

Choose the session that works best for your schedule and reserve your seat

—City of Aurora government

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