Fireworks scofflaws in Aurora

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In preparation for the Fourth of July weekend and the following weeks, the City of Aurora government has launched a citywide campaign for fireworks scofflaws.

By City Code, fireworks are illegal in the State’s second-largest city, and the selling, possession, storage, and usage of fireworks now come with hefty fines.

The Aurora City Council unanimously approved a revised ordinance to stamp out the consistent illegal use of fireworks throughout the town, which generally begins just before Independence Day and continues throughout the Summer.

Under the “If You Light It, We’ll Write It” campaign, the City is reminding residents that if they use illegal fireworks, the City will write citations to individuals and property owners.

Violators will be issued fines of up to $1,000, with repeat offenders facing even higher penalties.

The new ordinance now allows owners of the properties where illegal fireworks use occurs to be fined, and liens can be placed on the property for repeated offenses.

Residents are encouraged to report illegal fireworks through the City’s website at

Reports can also be made by calling the City’s Customer Service Center at 630-299-4636, event after hours. Reports can be submitted during or after the offense.

Only call 911 if the situation threatens the safety of people or property.

— City of Aurora government

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