The Grand Old Party ain’t what it used to be. It continues to disintegrate, thanks to the current make-up of the U.S. House of Representatives. The House has been infected by MAGAts which have burrowed deeply into it and created rot. It should now be called the “Goofy Order of Prevarication.”
It started with T. Rump’s victory in the election of 2016 which was a YUGE surprise to one and all. The Donald then sought to rule America in the same fashion as he ran his private businesses; and the more he tried to invalidate the U.S. Constitution, the more he was rebuffed and the more he ranted and raved. He uttered lies, insults, conspiracy theories, and threats to his political “enemies” during all of his waking hours. His resounding defeat in the election of 2020 led to his belief that the election had been “stolen” by the “Deep State,” i.e. the Democrats, who stuffed the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes. And he hasn’t stopped ranting and raving for the past three-and-a-half years.
His efforts to steal the 2020 election from its rightful winner has led to several felony indictments. His effort to hoard top-secret documents he claimed were his personal property led to other indictments. He had been indicted for falsifying business documents in order to hide the fact that he had an extra-marital affair which fact would have cost him the election of 2016 had it been revealed. The latter case has been tried and sent to the jury, and the jury has spoken with one voice, guilty, guilty, GUILTY! (Undoubtedly, The Donald will appeal last week’s conviction – all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if he has to – ranting and raving as he goes.)
All through these legal gymnastics, T. Rump had vilified as many individuals as he could – judges, prosecutors, potential witnesses, and even jury members. The judge overseeing the fraudulent business documents trial had issued several gag orders and levied fines for their violation, but The Donald knew no bounds. The judge threatened him with jail time if he didn’t shut up. Therefore, T. Rump changed tactics. He stayed quiet but spent his time in court scribbling notes full of the usual invectives. Those notes were then handed over to his sycophants outside the courthouse, and they read them out loud for all to hear (whether anybody else wanted to or not). Some of these sycophants were members of the U.S. House of Representatives. It was one thing to make a fool of oneself while on the chamber floor or on a conservative media platform; it was quite another thing to make a fool of oneself on a public sidewalk. This is how far the GOP has disintegrated.
And, say, dear reader, do you hear these so-called “representatives” refer to T. Rump as “President Trump”? They have fully subscribed to the theory that 2020 was stolen, and they have been busy making sure that the election of 2024 is not “stolen” – unless they are doing the stealing. To this end, Republicans who are in the majority in red/purple states are creating new voting rules. A valid Federal ID is required to vote. Polling places in selected areas are closed. Public ballot boxes are to be removed. Early voting is either restricted or disallowed. Mail-in ballots are either restricted or disallowed. Caravans of would-be voters are banned. The purpose of these actions is to prevent Democrats from voting so that T. Rump gets all the Electoral College votes he needs to be elected.
What happens after all of this stealing and The Donald becomes King Donald I? He will, of course, pardon himself of all the charges against him and rule by personal fiat. Whether it is unconstitutional for him to do so is a moot point. The Founding Fathers added the impeachment clauses to address “high crimes and misdemeanors” committed by government officials and authorized the Congress to conduct the “trials.” In a split Congress, however, nothing can be accomplished – hence, the first president ever to be tried in a court of law.
What happens after all this stealing and T. Rump still loses the election of 2024? What will happen will make 06 January 2021 look like a tea party in comparison. The man who would become king will have the mother of all apoplectic fits and call out his “troops” to install him in the White House. We’ll have Civil War 2 for sure.
Just a thought.