Fourth Street United Methodist Church final service Sept. 30

Aurora Fourth Street United Methodist Church will close Sept 30 2018
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By Al Benson – 
After 127 years of community ministry, Fourth Street United Methodist Church., 551 S. Fourth Street in Aurora, will close with a final service at 9 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 30.

Reverend Derek Rodgers, pastor of Flowing Forth UMC of Aurora, will preside. Flowing Forth UMC was born in April in a merger of the former Fourth Street UMC and the former Flowing Grace UMC, Aurora. Flowing Forth UMC will continue to meet Sundays at Aurora Christian School in Aurora.

The closing service will feature a Litany of Leaving in which Pastor Rogers will lead congregants.

Additionally, the service will include music, a reunion of former members, and guests, and a display of historical photos, memorabilia, and other artifacts. A reception with light refreshments in the church fellowship hall will close the event.

The public is invited and admission and parking are free. A freewill offering will be taken.

Former members, friends, and others are invited to write memories of experiences at Fourth Street UMC. Contributed reflections will be included in a memorial book.

Contributions for the book should be sent to or by U.S. mail to 551 S. Fourth Street, Aurora, IL 60505. The deadline is Tuesday, Sept. 25.

Call 630-897-5257 for more information.

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