Fox Valley Habitat raising funds

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The Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity is raising funds to help build one of our first homes in Habitat Green Freedom, a new 17-home subdivision which will use solar power be energy-efficient. The fundraiser will be brunch at 11 a.m. Saturday, May 6 at 1300 S. Broadway, Montgomery. Please RSVP by May 1 to and include the names and E-mail for everyone you are inviting.

This will be a three-year project, so we hope to do at least three Women Build Homes, one a year. For more information go to

You will find out more at this luncheon both on how women of all walks of life can help build and a fundraiser for a great cause. You will meet our staff members and women board members and a few families who will be living in this subdivision.

Invite women’s groups from work, church, and chambers. Invite women who might be in need of affordable housing to get connected, All women are invited to join us.

Our Fundraisers will be our Women Build T-shirts and there will be a few raffles. A light brunch will also be served.

—Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity

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