•Can you say “President Kamala Harris,” dear reader?
T. Rump can’t. He’s too concerned about his crowd sizes and immigrants eating cats and dogs.
BS can’t. He’s too busy twisting his tongue into a pretzel, trying to convince himself that she doesn’t have a platform to run on. She does have a platform, of course, and she presented it during the “debate” with the felonious ex-president. (I use quotation marks here, because T. Rump babbled and rambled, scowled and looked at the floor, and could not counter Ms. Harris on any topic.
Afterwards, T. Rump actually claimed that he won the debate “big.” What else could he say? His colossal ego and his propensity for lying would not allow him to accept the reality of the event. He has refused to appear in a second debate, because only “losers” want a rematch. He has said that the debate was “rigged” by the ABC moderators when they asked the vice president “soft” questions and fact-checked him at every turn. He says now that, if he wins the election, he will see that ABC loses its broadcasting license. That’s his response to a free press, don’t you know?
T. Rump’s chief cheerleader in Aurora, Ill., should have an interesting take on the debate, won’t he? Will he too claim that the debate was rigged? Will he still claim that Kamala Harris is a Marxist? Fact check: The Chas is the Marxist here, and she doesn’t talk like a Marxist by any stretch of the imagination. BS needs to consult a dictionary, a real dictionary, like Webster’s, not like T. Rump’s.
•Joe Biden lost it during his debate with the felonious ex-president and had to drop out of the race lest the Democratic Party lose the election. T. Rump lost it during his debate with the vice president, he is nearly as old as Biden, and he should drop out lest those Republicans who are not raving lunatics lose their party altogether. He won’t, of course, ego and lying and all that, don’t you know? And, if he loses the election again, welcome to Civil War II.
•We could have had a socialist president after the election of 2016 in the person of Bernie Sanders. He was immensely popular with the younger generation who were looking for a political change of direction and with those who were turned off by a windbag of the nth degree. But the Democratic National Committee wasn’t having any of it; they no more wanted a radical leftist with a mind of his own than they wanted Jesse Jackson in 1972. So they pushed Hilary Clinton to the forefront and sabotaged Sander’s campaign however they could. Clinton’s campaign was weak and carried its own baggage, and we got the windbag as a national leader.
Bernie tried again in 2020, and again he got the DNC shaft. They raised an old war-horse, with the emphasis on old, to the forefront. Biden won, only because T. Rump couldn’t keep his mouth shut and turned off millions of voters. Two impeachments and multiple indictments later, we have a new kid on the block ready to kick King Donald where it hurts the most.
•This just in: A MAGA type has claimed the all of the lies, insults, and name-calling T. Rump ever said were actually lies manufactured by Democrats. Talk about brain-washing! This person needs professional help, as does his master.
Just a thought.