Many organizations, groups, and volunteers, are congratulated for their good work all year, however, specifically at this time when society is under duress from the ravages of COVID-19. The Northern Illinois Food Bank is an umbrella organization to serve many communities, which have food pantries to serve those in need of food supplements.
• See photos at thevoice.us/aurora-area-retired-teachers-association-drive-thru-to-benefit-food-pantries of the Aurora Area Retired Teachers Association which has been active in raising funds for food pantries and in providing food for sponsors who give helping hands to the food pantries.
• Among the many providers is the Not Forgotten Ministries which will be host to a Giveaway from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at 309 Fifth Street in Aurora. Included will be desk chairs, pictures, double sink shelves, curtain rods, lawn chairs, clocks, mirrors, step stools, electric heater, light fixtures, and many more items. Everyone is welcome to peruse, however, please call to set up an appointment. Call Pastor Sheila Teague, 630-907-7265.
• The Sugar Grove Chamber of Commerce continues to plan a virtual event for its annual Meet the Candidates Forum at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 9. The public is invited. Candidate registration is due Monday, Feb. 15 by E-mail, info@sugargrivechamber.org, or, call 630-466-7895.
• The Primary Elections will be held Tuesday, Feb. 23, and the Consolidated Election will be Tuesday, April 6.
• Yes, we have always done it this way, however, Tuesday for an election day, is not a good idea. Thankfully, there is early voting.
• February is the birthday and celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, which was February 12, 1809. He is admired for his capability and leadership.
• The annual symposium to commemorate Lincoln’s 212th birthday will be held remotely this year. The life and legacy of Lincoln will be February 12-13. The main speaker will be Richard Lowry, editor of the National Review magazine. Visit abrahamlincolnassociation.org/2021-symposium-events.
Clear and Concise, Week 5 Year 2:
The spectre of COVID-19 is a difficult battle for everybody. Vigilance, care, masks, washing hands, physical distance, all are appropriate measures to invite wellness. Each person should think of walking in the shoes of another person prior to leveling criticism in COVID-19, or anything else. We all have different challenges regarding COVID-19.