Home ozone generators vs. COVID-19

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March 18, 2020
Dear editor;

The Shell Oil Company came to Aurora after the great flood of 1996 in Aurora and brought a diesel-driven ozone generator that was on wheels. Six homes were treated simultaneously by pumping high levels of ozone into each house for four hours by using small plastic tubing. After waiting two hours for the ozone to do its work, all windows were opened so any residual active ozone would dissipate.

The ozone killed everything living in the house such as mold, bacteria, viruses, and bugs. I found huge bugs I didn’t know I had on the basement floor with their feet pointing up.

The whole house contents smelled fresh, much like the air smells after lightning storm that generates both nitrogen and ozone, or, similar to the bed-sheet smell after drying on the clothesline and are sanitized by the direct rays of the Sun.

Ozone can be one of the weapons to limit the spread of COVID-19. It might be worthy of research.

Since 1996, I bought a small home-ozone generator that is capable of killing bacteria, mold, viruses, and bugs. It works well, but humans, pets, and plants never must be present when the ozone is being generated for safety reasons. High levels of ozone can damage lungs and skin.

Uber cars and public transportation vehicles should be treated with ozone when not in use. The beautiful thing about ozone, is that it is a gas and quickly reaches the recessed areas of a house or building. It oxidizes, or destroys, anything living, however, without use of toxic chemicals.

Larry Casagram, Aurora

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