Illinois Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) Illinois Sierra Club’s highest priority

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The Illinois Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA), is Illinois Sierra Club’s highest priority bill for 2021. Right now the clean energy jobs sector is one of the fastest growing in Illinois, and CEJA will keep it that way. As our State recovers from the COVID-19 crisis, renewable energy is going to provide a much needed boost to our economy and help protect our environment at the same time.

Sierra Club Valley of the Fox Group presents “How You Can Help Illinois Pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act,” at 7 p.m. Monday, March 8 on Zoom. Our presenter is Jessica Beverly, one of the foremost experts on CEJA and renewable energy in Illinois. For the link to the zoom meeting please go to, or our Facebook Page, sierraclubvof.

CEJA has wide-ranging goals. Its main pillars are cutting carbon from the power sector by the year 2030, 100% renewable energy by 2050, reducing pollution from gas and diesel vehicles, and creating jobs and economic opportunity for every part of Illinois. CEJA will hold the utilities accountable, no more bailouts for the utilities, and no raising taxes or utility bills.

CEJA will help our economy grow, protect our health by reducing pollution, and help to stop the threat of climate chaos by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we put into our atmosphere. CEJA will help president Joe Biden achieve his bold climate change goals. We know he can’t do it without action at the state level.

Illinois needs CEJA right now. We need to pass it this year. Please join us to learn more about this important bill and how you can help get it passed.

Sierra Club Valley of the Fox Group serves all of Kane and Kendall Counties with monthly programs about sustainability, community resilience, and the environment, volunteer opportunities, and exciting and fun outings (as soon as COVID is over). Please visit our website,, for more information about our group. For more information, please call Mavis Bates at 630-605-9244.

—Mavis Bates, chair Sierra Club, Valley of the Fox

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