The Voice is a conduit to the communities we serve. We seek to reflect the ordinary and the extraordinary in our communities. In reality, there is limited space to include many important items for our readers to peruse and use.
Drawing the line for inclusion is obvious at times and arbitrary other times. Economics dictates the number of pages in The Voice. Reality of life. We do our best each week.
Herein we include information which did not find space elsewhere, however, are important to find daylight for inclusion.
See below.
First, one other item that is ongoing in the community-based information that is inevitable: Death. It demands the repeated saying, we all face death and taxes: Reality.
Two persons come to mind in recent days, Nancy Hopp and “Whitey” Peters. Our best wishes to their survivors, friends, and relatives. Those who knew both persons understood what dynamic, beneficial, and solid persons they were in their lives of strength, support, and positive contributions. This conductor knew them in a secondary way, however, could sense their human qualities to be positive. Their souls will rest in peace, assuredly.
Nancy Hopp, will have A Celebration of Life, Saturday, April 1 at 11 a.m. at New England Congregational Church in Aurora. For more information, click here.
John “Whitey” Peters stories and information were told at the Aurora City Council meeting Tuesday, March 28. Comments made about Whitey Peters can be viewed after the 23 minute mark on the city government of Aurora’s Facebook page by clicking here.
We understand the late Mike Schnable of Oswego High School, a coach of three sports for 30 years in his working days and a teacher, died last week. Best wishes to his family and friends. He enjoyed his family and athletes he coached, among others. A celebration of life will be held Saturday, April 8 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Fox Bend Golf Club’s Christina’s Grill.
We wish the best for all other souls of whom we have no knowledge. We pause when understand such news items with the knowledge that similar information about others can be missed, unintentionally.
Items which must include this week:
• No room in the Fundraiser forum: An Aurora Girl Scout troop will hold a pancake breakfast fundraiser to help send a Scout to a national convention. Troop 4785 will hold the fundraiser, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Saturday, April 8 at Wesley United Methodist Church, 14 N. May Street in Aurora.
• The First Division Museum at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, will hold a Date with History series at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 6 with a discussion led by author and historian James P. Gregory on his recently-published book, Unraveling the Myth of Sgt. York: The Other Sixteen.
•There will be an egg hunt on Stolp Island in Auror from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 1 and the Easter Bunny can be visited at the Millennium Plaza gazebo for a free photo.
• State representative Barbara Hernandez of Aurora advanced her cat measure in the State House.
• A ukulele school will be 9:30 a.m. April 1 at New England Congregational, 406. W. Galena Boulevard.