By Judy Siedlecki
Knowledge is power. That’s why Donald Trump is doing everything in his power to keep you in the dark about your very survival from COVID-19.
He lied it existed, delayed early testing, told governors to buy their own ventilators, then bid against them, plays favorites with those who praise him, and won’t enact the Defense Production Act to acquire protective gear for medical and first responders, so while working to save and protect us it leaves them unprotected, infected, and dying.

Testing, testing, testing, is the number one thing medical and scientific experts say is essential for us to corner this virus and eventually be able to venture out safely, that if ignored puts us back to step one to start separation all over again with a second wave deadlier than the first. That’s what happened with the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918. Most of us weren’t around then, so we have to trust our historians about it. But trusting our institutions that are the pillars of our U.S. Constitution are the other fundamental supports that Trump completely has mowed down.
Free testing in the first COVID-19 bill, insisted upon by Nancy Pelosi, was passed by Congress who is in charge of allocating money, not Trump. The third bill, Cares Act Relief, passed the end of March is meant to help all residents survive and keep the economy from completely crashing by getting money directly to the people, we’re still waiting. Boost unemployment benefits unemployment is crashing all over the place. Keep small businesses alive.
One-fourth of the Cares Act bill, $500 Billion, is going to big corporations, again. They received a huge tax-break engineered by Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell in 2017 and instead of helping their workers, bought back their own stock to keep the stock market artificially high, Trump’s favorite thing. Not wanting to repeat 2017, Democrats put overseers in place. Trump immediately got rid of the overseers to give our money away as he pleases.
Trump seems fine with our loved ones and disenfranchised dying.
Humanity is the only way through this situation. If you don’t understand what that means, nothing I say will explain.