By Bob Dennin
Are you ready for a change in local politics?
My name is Bob Dennin from Aurora running as an independent candidate for Kane County Board District 4 to represent you! We have all grown tired of partisan politics and are looking for commonsense approaches to problem-solving and making our communities great places to live and work.

I have lived in Aurora for more than 30 years, married 39 years to my wonderful wife, and have two dogs that have trained us well. I’m a college graduate with a B.S. in Business Systems Analysis which I’ve put to good use in my 24-year career with Advocate Health.
I manage a great team in a large organization that has helped me to develop skills in fostering collaboration and accountability. I have learned to listen, see both sides of an issue and use facts, data, and commonsense to find workable solutions. I will bring these skills to public service as your Board representative.
We already pay a lot more for everyday needs, groceries, gas etc. which means we must manage our budgets appropriately. Government should follow that same approach, live within its means and look for inefficiencies to reduce costs. As a member of the board, I won’t support any proposals that would require raising your taxes.
Too often we find undue influence on decisions made at the county level by state and federal governments. I firmly believe local officials should take direction from you, the taxpayer, on what’s important. Your voice should be heard to shape the decision-making and direction of our County.
Legal immigration adds rich diversity to our communities and benefits us in many other ways. With the increase in illegal immigration there are concerns we face at the County level that will impact us with increased taxes, overwhelming healthcare systems, adding pressure on law enforcement, and impacting social services our residents depend on.
This issue ties into decisions being made at the state and federal levels impacting you directly. Although we have been placed in this difficult situation, we should be thoughtful and transparent in what the county is not only doing but supporting regarding the influx of people into our County.
All of us appreciate the wide variety and availability of the County’s green spaces and agree they are vital to the enjoyment and health of our community. Clean air and water are necessary to all of us, the county does a great job in promoting that. However, many of us struggle with the idea our County is focusing limited resources on global climate change. This is yet another example of how state and federal governments creep into local decision-making.
When elected I will bring a fresh and independent perspective and a commonsense approach to problem solving. I will be your voice in government that will serve the needs of you and your families. I wish all of you a bright and prosperous future!!
Early voting begins September 26. Election Day is November 5.
Very sincerely,
Bob Dennin