Kane County veterans: Sign up for COVID-19 vaccine

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Kane County veterans assistance commission superintendent Jacob Zimmerman is encouraging Kane County veterans enrolled in the health-care system through Hines VA Hospital to schedule an appointment to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I want to emphasize that all enrolled-veterans, age 65 and older, are eligible now,” Zimmerman said. “This is huge because 55% of our veterans population is in that category. One of my veterans already called and he is scheduled to get his first shot on Saturday.”

Zimmerman said the vaccine is not yet available at local VA clinics, but only at the Hines VA Hospital because of the special storage requirements.

Veterans who are not enrolled, but would like to apply can contact the Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission office at 630-232-3550, and staff members can facilitate the application.

According to Tanya Schusler, public affairs officer for Hines VA Hospital, which serves veterans throughout the area, including Kane County, Hines is offering vaccinations to veterans in the following categories:

• Veterans 65+ years old;

• Dialysis patients;

•Chemotherapy patients;

• Organ transplant veterans;

•Homeless Veteran Program participants;

• Inpatient Spinal Cord Center;

• Community Living Center;

• Residential Care Facility;

• Hines VA employees.

Appointments are available to veterans seven days per week. Veterans in the above categories can call their provider, the call center at 708-202-2707, or 708-202-7000 for scheduling.

Information on VA’s COVID-19 vaccine is available at the website at www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine.

In accordance with VA’s COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan, the department started vaccination efforts at 37 initial VA medical centers, including Hines.

—Edward Hines Jr. VA Hospital

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